What does a Sports Performance Treatment look like

7 hours ago

My skill, my specialty is being able to get you back under the bar or back into your sport as quickly as possible. Minus major injuries that would be obvious as to why you couldn’t.I have over 30 years experience getting athletes back into their sport as quickly. I’ve worked with professional cyclists, golfers, power lifters, Olympic lifters, #strongman and #strongwomen and your weekend warriors.I have a skill set that bridges the gap that is between rehab and the end stages of #strengthandconditioning combined with ##pdtr and some other modalities to put my toolbox together to help you. Along with my keen coaches eye for your orthopedic profile which will dictate the benefit to risk for any lift, pose or technique. This is all a part of your free 30 minute assessment to decide am I the that is able to help you or do I need help you find someone who can.Message me or head to my website to reach out.

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