Building a Path to Stability

9 hours ago

Building a Path to Stability

I am fully dedicated to the Not Just A Food Program, which is creating stepping stones toward greater support, education, and better health and well-being for everyone.

As part of this, I’m also building the LIFE Transitional Housing Program, which plays a crucial role in helping individuals move from homelessness to stability.

Too often, the homeless and marginalized are left without access to healthy options, and even those facing food insecurity struggle to find viable solutions.

Be the change you want to see in the world. I’m living that change every day, spreading love and compassion in our community and beyond.

Let’s work together to make a real difference. 💙

#NotJustAFoodProgram #LIFETransitionalHousing #BeTheChange #CommunitySupport #LoveAndCompassion #LIFETransitonalHousingProgram

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