The HOUSE Passed SHIELD Against CCP Act

6 hours ago

03/10/2025 Rep. Mark Green @RepMarkGreen, Chairman of the House Committee on Homeland Security: I strongly support the SHIELD Against CCP Act. The Chinese Communist Party continues to increasingly threaten the security of our homeland. We must alter our posture to appropriately address the threat posed by the CCP to our homeland.
#CCP #CCPThreat #HomelandSecurity #LegislativeAction
03/10/2025 美国众议院国土安全委员会主席马克·格林:我坚决支持《抵御中共盾牌法》。中国共产党继续日益威胁我国的国土安全,我们必须改变我们的姿态,以妥善应对中共对我们国土构成的威胁。
#中共 #中共威胁 #国土安全 #立法行动

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