Mirror Ball Sensory Integration Occupational Therapy Device

7 hours ago

Biotronix Mirror Ball Sensory Integration Occupational Therapy Device

One mirror ball, two red and blue pinspot lights, and an LED light rotating motor with remote control are all included in the Mirror Ball bundle. A mystical ambiance is created for the treatment of sensory motor integration when the spot light is directed on the ball and the light reflects throughout the room.


* Mirror Ball: A 30 cm-diameter glass tile ball with studs that reflects light to produce hundreds of mirrored reflections across the space.
* Motor: The mirror ball is rotated by the motor at a set speed of roughly 2 or 4 RPM.
* Pin-Spot Light: The mirror ball has two red and blue pin-spot lights installed on either side.
* The ball has remote-controlled LED lights installed on top of it.
* Mounting: The bundle includes bolts and a wall fixing board.

Multi-Sensory Therapy Mirror Ball, Hand-Eye Coordination Training Ball, Special Needs Sensory Stimulation Ball, Cognitive Development Sensory Ball, Mirror Ball for Motor Skills Therapy, Tactile and Visual Sensory Therapy

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