1st President George Washington was a man of pure FAITH in GOD✝️

6 hours ago

Dear friend who I exclusively share this with, note I wish no nuisance towards you with this general DM I’m sending to a select few, but please know with love I send this and with nothing else in my heart.
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Dear America;
you are loved by the world, for the history of your birth was and still is a gift to the world, like “the prodigal son” you became lost in past histories by liberalism socialism Marxism wokeism all led by satanism in one way or another; but now you are found again by GOD via peoples prayers and in actions via MAGA and President Donald Trump whose life was saved to turn around America by the hand of GOD who turned ever so slightly Trump’s head at Butler Pennsylvania campaign rally.

Bible history has said to us;
ECCLESIASTES 1:9💫 That which has been is that which shall be; and that which has been done is that which shall be done: and there is no new thing under the sun.

And it is exactly so as miracles happen around us daily, from the birth of a child, to hearing or seeing miracles such like this story https://abcnews.go.com/US/bibles-survive-unharmed-west-virginia-church-fire-fire/story?id=61480158 “Bibles survive unharmed in West Virginia church fire, fire officials say”
Plus this amazing account of George Washington before becoming The First President of the United States of America, Heroic true story that is just breathtakingly a miracle that happened in real time at that moment in history.

Hope you enjoy the entire video plus the verses and music there within, thank you for reading this far which in truth is likened to a short news article.

God bless, stay safe and keep praying for Trump his family and power-house administration working hard for every American wherever you are in the world, and those who are not American but has the same vision for peace and prosperity on earth IN GOD WE TRUST.

What this world is witnessing in my opinion is, GOD’s has chosen some very imperfect people like Trump who believes his life was spared to save America First, and even a man many call an antichrist Elon Musk who lost his son to woke transgender idiology, these two men who work on behalf of Americans free of charge and have lost financiallly personally much more than anyone one can bare, GOD is using MAGA DOGE and other people and agencies paving the way for Christ return which will be TRUE WORLD PEACE ON EARTH; Amen!

- By your humble yet not perfect but gracious brother Ron in Christ!

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