Build Yourself To Lead Your Family

17 days ago

What if fathers were their family's biggest cheerleader?

By leading you didn't seek all the attention or need the most, you made sure everyone else had everything they need to become their best?

That's what leaders do. They make other leaders.

They make everyone else feel special and help them find their own fire.

But you can only lift people up if you're coming from a higher place.

You can only help your family once you've helped yourself.

You can only build a strong family if you've built a strong father.

Neglecting yourself is the worst thing you could do for your family.

When times are crazy, especially with little kids at home, we get wrapped up in tasks while we let ourselves fall away.

It's like a race car driver saying he doesn't have time to upgrade his engine because he's too busy taking pictures with fans and designing merchandise.

Before long he won't have any of either.

By neglecting the one thing that causes all of his success, he will lose everything.

The father your family gets is the man you are.

If you become a better man, your family gets a better father.

Not having time to work on yourself means priorities are mixed up or your perspective needs changed.

There is no higher ROI activity then improving you.

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