Acts Of The Apostles Part #3-NOW THE END BEGINS-MARCH 11 2025

8 hours ago

On this episode of Rightly Dividing, the book of Acts, or The Acts of the Apostles, shows us the life and ministry of the apostles of Jesus Christ from the gospels, including one who is “born out of due time”, the apostle Paul. But before he was an apostle of the Lord, Saul was a fearsome type of Antichrist, and we will look at that as well. Think you’re called to the ministry? You better think again, the book of Acts shows you what the ministry is, and you may not like it much. Join us as we study the entire book of the Acts of the Apostles, verse by verse and chapter by chapter.

TONIGHT’S STUDY: Tonight we pick up where we left off, and take a look at the short-lived but amazing ministry of the apostle Peter. Here we will see Peter, the man whom the Roman counterfeit claims is their first pope, perform miracles that no pope ever did or ever will. Peter’s gospel is for the Kingdom of Heaven, aimed at Jewish believers, and it will go like a house on fire right up to the end of chapter 7, where it will crash and burn. But for now, Peter is having the time of his life, serving the LORD with all his might and seeing thousands of souls added to the church. This is Part #3 in our ongoing series on the Acts of the Apostles.

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