Les Tulipes 🦋 (1907) Silent Fantasy | IN COLOR |Short Film | Performance Art |

7 hours ago

The creation of tulips is a delicate and magical thing... 🦋

Magical flowery frolics, similar to a Méliès film.

In a bower of giant tulips a boy and girl practice flower magic. They cause flowers and birds to open and human forms to issue therefrom, and on the black background of the wonderful garden there appear myriad flowers, in the center of each of which is a smiling feminine head. Tableaux showing pretty girl and flower effects are plentiful and the film winds up with a burst of multi-colored flame, which shoots in fiery splendor from leaves and petals.

Segundo de Chomón

Segundo de Chomón

Segundo de Chomón

Segundo de Chomón

Director: Segundo de Chomón
Writer: Segundo de Chomón
Cinematographer: Segundo de Chomón
Country: France
Language: French
Release Date: 4 January 1908 (USA) 1907 (France)
Production Companies: Pathé Frères
Distributors: Pathé Frères (theatrical) (1907) (France) 1908 (USA)
Sound Mix: Silent
Color: Color (stencil tinted)
Also Known As (AKA)
Les tulipes France (original title)
The Tulips USA

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