If you don't have atleast 100,000 USD , What are you wasting money for ?

8 hours ago

[ READ !] I will tell you what your so called " friends " won't . Cut Out everything that is draining you of Capital . Write down where all your money goes every day , anyhting that does not bring you closer to your Goal , Cut it out . Small steps everyday in the right direction will get you to where you want to be faster than you know . Especially if you are below the age of 25 , you have something most people wish they had more of . . . Time . Don't waste it on things or people that are not on the same mission . So what if they don't like you in the short term . They are not paying your bills , they are not supporting your family . None of them will be there to catch you if you fall . In fact , most of them want you to fall , so that you remain at the same level as them . When you start making making money , always remember , Family first . All the rest of your loser friends who never helped you when you were down , don't deserve your time when you are up . Take care of those who took care of you . Once you do that , help those who were once in your shoes . Be the person you wish you had when you started this journey . The mission is clear . Godbless & Godspeed - Ares
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