Helen's Song...

7 hours ago

The Double Standards of Helen Janes: Entitled to Threaten, But Not to Be Mentioned.
Helen Janes appears to believe she has the right to mention me freely while simultaneously demanding that I erase any reference to her. The hypocrisy is striking. She recently sent me the following message:
"Get my name off your disgusting social media before I start striking you. You are a stalker, an abuser and a nonce. You have 1hr to remove everything you posted about me."
This is not only an unjustified demand but also a clear attempt at intimidation. It raises the question: why does she think she is entitled to threaten me with ultimatums and strikes while feeling completely free to reference me in any way she pleases? It is a blatant exercise of double standards.
Addressing the False Allegations
I want to make one thing absolutely clear: I am not a stalker, an abuser, nor a nonce. These are defamatory accusations, and if Helen Janes continues to make such claims in public, I will have no choice but to take legal action against her. False accusations, especially ones as serious as these, should not be thrown around lightly. They can have real-world consequences, and Helen must be held accountable for her words.
The Public Opinion on Helen Janes.
Den Tarragon, in his latest YouTube video, expressed his own personal views on Helen Janes:
"I mean if anyone thinks Helen is a decent person or whatever, have a look at Nix's Channel. There's loads on there about Helen or whatever, she's an absolute scumbag, a proper racist piece of shit in my opinion, um I certainly wouldn't have anything to do with her. I blocked her, I blocked her, uh a couple of weeks back."
While I am not here to endorse or dispute Tarragon’s views, it is telling that multiple voices are beginning to speak out against Helen Janes' behaviour. She cannot continue to operate under the assumption that she can attack others without scrutiny while claiming victimhood whenever the tables are turned.
The Way Forward.
If Helen Janes wishes to avoid public criticism, the solution is simple: she should cease attacking others unjustly and making defamatory statements. If she expects people to respect her right to privacy and reputation, she should extend the same courtesy to others.
Until then, I will not be bullied into silence by hypocritical ultimatums and baseless threats.

SOURCED FROM - https://substack.com/home/post/p-158901724

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