#269 | ‘The Virus Has Changed,’ Fed Jab Mandate Denied, Capitol Cry Therapy | Matt & Blonde Show

8 hours ago

Show streamed live on Aug 1, 2021
*Please note - the information posted below was accurate when originally streamed. Links may now be outdated and/or inactive.

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Artwork by Facepalm Reality
Facepalm Reality's Twitter: http://bit.ly/2AZfI4V
Facepalm Reality's YouTube channel: http://bit.ly/2uxbrr9

Semi-charmed life remix: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=nCIqnB7sIaw
Bearing and SugarTits' cover of "Catch the Wind": https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=DPZtCSScFWM
Additional music by Chris Gard, Morbicae Official: https://bit.ly/2GrOAnv

Items referenced:
Laurel Hubbard weightlifting set for Monday: https://archive.is/tyowP
Mollie Tibbetts update: https://bit.ly/3l5cWGb
Racism may sink David Chipman: https://bit.ly/3A20dIC
Just two more weeks: https://bit.ly/37ejmuw
Delta as contagious as Chicken Pox, CDC says: https://bit.ly/3j8ezQH https://archive.is/jSrbL
CDC’s map of transmission: https://bit.ly/3fl0lLc
Fauci says the virus changed, not the CDC: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=8Vgn43Ly-L8
Surgeon general says masks outdoors: https://bit.ly/3fdA8yc
The data on vaccinated transmission looks really weak: https://bit.ly/2VowkmJ https://bit.ly/3fmd9kp
CDC is after messaging, not data: https://bit.ly/3j2j3sc
‘The Science’ is supposed to be behind closed doors: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=jBoEk_n9Hwc
Biden says more restrictions coming: https://bit.ly/3fiNB82
Biden says he will shut down the virus: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=nekvd4iw6Hg
Walensky Fox interview: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=XYGWQ-RYn60
Walensky clarifies: https://fxn.ws/3ieZu0v
Biden DOJ looking into federal mask mandate: https://bit.ly/3laZTCR
Sydney military lockdown: https://bit.ly/3fme5VU
Sweden CV stats: https://bit.ly/2UWcjnx https://bit.ly/2WO7Ow5
Adam Kenzinger cries: https://bit.ly/3f2Gq3x
Adam Schiff cries: https://bit.ly/373CQ4J
Kenzinger calls 1/6 a coup: https://bit.ly/3x8ZJy8
Your mom’s a wh**e: https://bit.ly/3zVoHTP
Pelosi calls out the stormtroopers: https://bit.ly/3c3rRfi
Disgraceful!: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=OBR3IXz37iw
Harry Dunn lies about Brian Sicknick: https://bit.ly/3j0dgDf
Harry Dunn lies about being called the N word: https://bit.ly/3zDao5Y
Leftist protester actually calls DC police the N word: https://bit.ly/3ypbtyk
Harry Dunn on Kenosha riots and Rittenhouse: https://bit.ly/3fdaoSC
The rest of Dunn’s Twitter: https://bit.ly/3fCIUGj
Witness alleges second capitol riot killing by police: https://bit.ly/379Dv4D
Capitol police lookalike: https://bit.ly/3icLEM1
Capitol riot hearing didn’t poll well: https://bit.ly/3xlnRxI
Hot Ferc summer: https://bit.ly/3l6nx3x https://bit.ly/2WJbGhM
Economic growth below expectations: https://cnb.cx/3rNMeTR
Biden’s economic ‘growth’: https://bit.ly/3j0wEQx
Inflation higher and more persistent, says fed chair: https://yhoo.it/3783w4j
Jerome Powell on inflation vs price increases: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=0ZRdSZMekco
Hoax hate, state department sw4st1k4: https://bit.ly/3fmxK8h
Hoax hate, suburban Seattle political signs: https://bit.ly/3eWDLII https://bit.ly/3rK4Uno
Prior Matta assault case: https://bit.ly/2VcZWnd
Hoax hate, Santa Cruz BLM street mural ‘vandalism’: https://abc7ne.ws/3C59bGI
Matt’s Big Trouble in Little China review: https://bit.ly/2Vb9Jdv

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