8 hours ago

You tease me. I am dressed for living. Lol. That is correct. I am comfortable where the hell am I going? Outside on my deck. Why do i have to dress up to deliver data? I live a very lay back life. It is pointless and ridiculous make up right now for me seems like dirt. I need my skin clean. Water is a luxury. Unnecessary waste the amount of water thlalt is needed to wash the make up off. No. I rather use that water for my dish washer. I live a clean life. I wear nothing on my skin. My on oils is enough. I use one brand soap to bath. I comes with many essential oils. I love citru6 oils. Peppermint, tea tree oil is also great in soap. I only use aluminum free deodorant. I keep it simple. I work in my camper building the kitchen. I am also working on other project. My office. It is all coming along. These attacks rolls off me. Society, you are dying. You lack what I harbor. I could careless about a struggle I sail thru them. I just wonder why watch me? Why follow me? U aren't afraid? I am not instilling fear but I am not your entertainment I hate too. I conjure pain onto my enemies. I am not always kind, no. Society, I was hurt and abused people are cruel. I am simply using my talents toward Armageddon . I am light before flesh. Tease on. U will be dressed for your own damn funeral. One thing I can tell you. I worked at a funeral home. I work on the dead honestly woman in wigs look like corspe to me. I dressed the dead. Washed their bodies. Prepared them for viewing. I see no difference between you and the dead except silence. The cold bodies are silent they listen but how can I assist? They are stuck. I have seen to many of the dead in limbo.

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