Not getting nutrients from our food but chemicals!

7 hours ago

(found on Dr. Judy's transcripts: )

How to build our nutrition? What's the key products that are missing in our nutrition? And what can't we get anywhere else? And why?
The talk was about the oral microbiota, your microbiota everywhere. So, okay, yeah, I just gave that talk. So we're talking about essential amino acids, and you don't have to worry about other than what I highlighted, and that's later on. And I do encourage you to go back and look at this talk, because there's not one key component or product we're missing. It's pathways! It's pathogenesis, means the genesis of disease processes. We're not getting nutrients from our food. We're getting chemicals in our alcohol, and not the fermentation of the hops. You know, what's our problem? Is it the soil? Is it the land? Is it the air? Is it the water? My 2014 talk at Autism One was the Environmental Causes of Autism.

Judy MIkovits, PhD - 03/10/2025

The American Granddaughter Podcast- Dr Judy Mikovits and the Benefits of Hops Extract, with host CC Blakeman:

My talk at Autism One 05/23/2014: Environmental Causes of Autism:

Important presentations:

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