Knee CPM Device Digital

7 hours ago

Biotronix Knee CPM Device Digital

CPM knee, or knee continuous passive motion unit A special tool for improving flexion movement is physical therapy; inflexible muscles prevent full range of motion since they prevent joint exercise due to discomfort following surgery, unintentional injuries like polio, paralysis, and hemiplegia, among other conditions.

Flexions hold time: 0–9 seconds; Extension hold time: 0–9 seconds; Flexion Angle: 5–120 degrees. This is a dependable and safe microcomputer-based electromechanical device. It continuously shifts the joint through a controlled range of motion; the precise range varies depending on the joint, but it usually increases with time. Rehabilitation includes managing post-operative pain, lowering inflammation, allowing passive motion in a particular plane of motion, and safeguarding the tissue or healing repair.

Knee CPM Device Digital, Continuous Passive Motion Machine for Knee, Digital Knee Rehabilitation Device, Post-Surgery Knee Recovery CPM, Physiotherapy Knee CPM Machine, Knee Joint Mobilization Device

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