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Prophet Julie Green - The Real Truth Is Coming Your Enemies Cannot Protect With Epstein and That Entire System - Captions
Prophet Julie Green opens with a message of encouragement, emphasizing peace and faith in God using Bible scriptures such as 2 Thessalonians 3:16, John 14:27, and Philippians 4:7. She highlights God's assurance of peace amidst enemy attacks. Transitioning to a prophetic revelation, Julie exposes the dark underworld of child sex trafficking, implicating high-profile figures and institutions including Hollywood, Disney, and global political entities. The prophecy predicts imminent judgment and exposure of these crimes, emphasizing a divine intervention to dismantle these corrupt systems. Julie concludes with a prayer for peace, strength, and the deliverance of those enslaved in these systems.
✝️ Another Awesome Message from Julie! ‼️God Wins‼️ The original video was posted on 03-04-2025 and may be watched here: 👉
The Power of Peace and Unveiling Dark Truths: A Call to Stand Strong
In this episode, recorded on Tuesday, March 4th, 2025, Julie begins with a message of encouragement and spiritual guidance, emphasizing the importance of maintaining peace, faith, and trust in God. Several scriptures like 2 Thessalonians 3:16, John 14:27, and Philippians 4:7 are highlighted to underscore God's promise of peace, even in the face of adversity. The episode then transitions into an in-depth discussion about the dark realities of child sex trafficking linked to Jeffrey Epstein, the involvement of Hollywood, the intelligence community, and other global entities. Prophesies and revelations regarding upcoming judgments and exposures of this dark system are shared. Viewers are also urged to pray and intercede for innocent children suffering from this vile system. The episode concludes with a call to action for believers to use their spiritual authority against these evils and invites them to an upcoming Holy Ghost and Fire Conference. Additionally, resources for further prayer support and ministry merchandise are provided.
00:00 Morning Encouragement and Faith
01:35 Understanding Jehovah Shalom
02:20 Scriptural Insights on Peace
04:38 The Power of God's Peace
07:57 Guarding Your Peace and Joy
16:37 Prophecy: The Real Truth is Coming
23:25 Exposing the Dark Underworld
29:43 Biblical Lessons from 2 Kings
39:23 Divine Judgment and Prophecy
40:22 God's Assurance to His People
42:05 The Downfall of the Assyrian King
43:57 The Power of God's Word
45:25 Scriptural Promises and Warnings
51:33 Exposing Corruption and Evil
54:47 The Dark Underworld Revealed
01:07:50 Call to Prayer and Action
01:12:54 Upcoming Events and Final Encouragement
Video Information:
MUSIC: First Song - Rooted by LNDO
Second Song - New Tricks by LNDO
COPYRIGHT 2025 Julie Green Ministries International
March 4, 2025-The Real Truth Is Coming Your Enemies Cannot Protect With Epstein and That Entire System
Words of Encouragement Scriptures:
2 Thess.3:16
Phil. 4:7, 13
1 John 4:4
Num.6:24-26 (the blessing)
The Word of God is a weapon- the Sword of the Spirit.
God’s name is peace-Jehovah Shalom.
The enemy wants your heart to be troubled because he doesn't want you to receive from God. But do not allow him to steal your peace.
God's peace protects your heart and mind.
God has given you peace because He is Jehovah Shalom.
Do not allow Satan to deceive you out of something that already belongs to you.
Protect your joy and your peace.
Prophecy Scriptures:
2 Kings 19:5-7, 9-11, 14-36
Ps. 140:8
Lev. 26:7-8
Ps. 91:7
Pray for those individuals who are on the frontlines to save innocent children.
Stand in the gap, intercede for those working at bringing down this slavery, and call down this evil with the authority God has given you.
No matter the plots, plans and schemes of the enemy, they cannot defeat God. Nothing is bigger than God.
Nothing and no one is bigger than God.
God doesn't lose. He is the Most High God.
You fight with the Sword of the Spirit.
Speak God's Word and let it work in your life.
God is the One Who defeats your enemies and drives the giants out of your land.
No matter what you see, do not be afraid or be moved. God is your peace- Jehovah Shalom.
Prayer Scriptures:
Isa. 54:17
El Elyon- The Most High God
El Shaddai- The God with Whom Nothing is Impossible
Video Transcript:
Good morning everybody. Today is Tuesday, March 4th, 2025. I have a lot to unpack and give to you today, but I always wanna start out with some encouragement. The world needs hope. They need peace. They need the truth because the truth will set you free the enemies on a war path. Distill your hope, distill your peace, distill your faith and trust in God.
He doesn't want you to continue to fight the good fight of faith. The enemies out there do not want you to stand on the faith and the word of Almighty God because they know if you know how powerful the word of God truly is. It is that sword of the spirit. It is a weapon. And if you finally know how to use that weapon, they have nothing in their arsenal that can stop the power of the word of Almighty God going forth.
Remember, our enemies have already been defeated because what Jesus has done for us, but something that he also wants us to know in this very hour when the enemy is trying to steal our peace with every moment of every day, he's going after your peace. But we also had to know God's name is peace. One of his names is Jehovah Shalom, which means.
The Lord is our peace, and that's why it's so imperative for you to know and let God introduce himself to you in who he truly is. His name is not just God. He has many names, and those names have something in it for you, gifts for you. God has given you peace, and you have an enemy out there that's trying to do everything to steal it away from you.
Let's go to some scriptures today and find out what talks about Jehovah Shalom, the Lord is your peace. Let's start out with two Thessalonians three 16 and it says, and now may the Lord of Peace himself grant you his peace, the peace of his kingdom. At all times and in all ways, under all circumstances and conditions, whatever comes the Lord be with you all.
What's very important in this scripture is to know no matter what you're facing, and no matter what circumstances and the enemy's attacks against you, if you know that God is with you all the time continuously, and that means peace is with you all the time. Your enemy doesn't want you to believe that.
He doesn't want you to tap into it. Remember, if we don't believe we can't receive, and so he will do everything he can to try to stop you believing in the written word of God. How much God loves you, how much he cares for you, and all the things that He has for you, and one of the things he has for you.
Now, may the Lord appease himself, grant you his peace. We are seeing these letters. We are seeing these prayer requests. So many people need peace, and he answers or prayer. They need hope, they need encouragement. And to tell you the truth, I don't know if there's enough encouragement around the world today.
There's so much discouragement. There's so much of the evil report constantly out there to dwindle people's faith and distill their peace and joy. But God is continuously with us wherever we go. And so that means we can tap into peace wherever we're at. Jehovah Shalom is with us. Here's another scripture.
John 1427. Look at what Jesus is talking about. Peace I leave with you. Jesus left us peace. That's one of his promises that he has given to us. He's given us peace because he's given us himself and he says, my own peace. I now give and bequeath to you, not as the world gives. Do I give to you? This is a thing right now in the world today.
So many people's hearts are troubled because of all the things that are going on around the world. This says, do not let your hearts be troubled. So that means we have the ability. To stand against adversity and have our hearts be fixed and strong in the Lord and the power of his might, and we, our hearts are not trouble, neither.
Let them be afraid. Fear is so overwhelming people right now, but he says, stop allowing yourselves to be agitated and disturbed, and do not permit yourselves. Be fearful and intimidated and cowardly and unsettled. You're gonna have an opportunity to be intimidated, cowardly and unsettled. Why? Because the enemy's aiming for that.
He wants your hearts to be troubled so you can't receive from God. And if you can't receive from God, then you're not gonna have that peace that you need that passes all understanding. You're not gonna be able to see, receive that joy, which is the strength in order to fight that good fight of faith and stand on the word of God.
But again, he said, stop allowing yourselves. Remember he says in Philippians four 13, he has given us all things. We can do all things through Christ. It may not feel like that. Sometimes. It may feel like the exact opposite is taking place in your life where you can't do all things. That's a lie. God has given you and I to have the ability to do all things.
So he is saying, stop allowing yourselves to be agitated. God has given you the ability to stop being agitated. He's giving you the ability. To stop being intimidated. He's given you the ability to stop being cowardly and unsettled. He's given you that ability because in his written word, we can do all things.
So he says, peace I live with, lead with you. Ask him for it. I don't care if you have to ask him 10 times a day. There's a scripture that talks about it in John Ask, and it shall be given onto you. Seek and you shall find. If we are asking God and not giving up, we're being persistent and we're being consistent.
Remember in His word, his promises are yes and amen. If you need peace today in your heart because of the things that you're dealing with, call on Jehovah. Shalom, because when you're calling Jehovah Shalom, he is the one who left peace with you. Here's another scripture, Philippians four and verse seven, and God's peace shall be yours.
It's already yours. Satan wants to believe that it's not yours and it's out there somewhere and you don't know where to find it, but it's yours. Peace has been given to you, a tranquil state of soul, a shirt of salvation through Christ, and so fearing nothing from God and being content with its earthly lot of whatever sort that is that peace which transcends all understanding,
shall be garrison and mount and guard over your hearts and [what's important], your mind... [what]... in Christ. If you have that peace in, receive that peace that God has given to you. It will protect your heart and it will protect your mind. So do you see why Satan tries to steal that peace in the knowing that Jesus left that peace to you, it was given to you.
He doesn't want you to believe in it. He doesn't want you to receive it because it would protect your hearts and your mind. That means if that piece is protecting your hearts and mind, that means your adversary can't get to it. That's why it's so important to know Jehovah Shalom, who is your peace? And of course, we always go back to that scripture one John four, four, the greater one lives on the inside of you.
If we just think about all these scripture that God gives to us every single day, the encouragement he gives to you every single day, the revelation knowledge he's given to you every single day. If we hold fast to that and receive that peace, it will protect amount and guard over our hearts and mind in Christ Jesus.
We have all these things because of Christ. Now look at another scripture in Numbers chapter six. This is the blessing. Now, it says in verse 24, the Lord bless you and keep you. Verse 25, the Lord make his face shine upon you and be gracious to you. The Lord lift up his continence upon you and give you peace.
How many times that I've given you just these four scriptures alone today, there's more that God has given us peace. You have an adversary out there waging war against your peace because it doesn't want your mind protected. He doesn't want your heart protected because if it's not. It's easier for you to give up into hopelessness and despair.
So it's important for you and I to know that God has given us peace. Peace in every part of our life. You say, Julie, I have everything opposite right now in my life. Call upon God, who is Jehovah Shalom. He is the prince of peace. He's the Lord our peace. He has given it to us. You've seen in four scriptures alone today, he's given you peace.
It's a gift. Now, what do you do with a gift? You take it and receive it. Guard it. Don't let Satan keep stealing what God has already given to you. It's not out there somewhere where you're trying to find it and you gotta fight for it. You tell the adversary. To get his hands off the peace of God, which passes all understanding, which is a gift from God who has been given to you, and tell him to go take a hike.
Tell him, Satan, you are not gonna steal my peace. That peace that God has given to me is guarding and protecting my mind and my heart. So I'm not gonna grow weary. I'm not gonna need hopelessness. I'm not gonna despair. I'm not gonna give up. I'm not gonna quit, and I'm gonna fight until the end because God said it's a good fight of faith, and that means I win.
And you're not gonna steal my victory. You're not gonna deceive me outta something that already belongs to me. That's the difference in always speaking what you have, speak, what the word of God says you have, speak what you want. Words are spirit. God's words are spirit, and they're life. God's word. Bring blessing.
The enemy's words will bring. Cursing. God's word will bring you faith. Satan's word or that evil report will bring you fear. What are your minds set on right now? What are you focused on today? Are you focused on the word of God or are you focused on your symptoms? Are you focused on what your thoughts that are in your mind?
You're focused on what's going on around the world today? What are you focused on? Our job is protect our joy, because remember, if Satan can't steal our joy, he can't keep our goods. He can't take our joy unless we allow it, and he is after our joy because he is after our strength. Another key thing, our enemy is after that a lot of people didn't realize he's after your peace.
Protect that peace. Guard it, say, Satan, you're not gonna have my peace. It's mine because Jesus has left his peace with me. And then greater one lives on the inside of me. If Christians today would just just know these truths, the truths will set them free and we'll have our hearts and our minds guarded with that truth.
So be encouraged today that God has left you with peace, that you need to triumph over all this opposition. And he said peace that passes all understanding. You may not understand how you're gonna get out of that mess. You may not understand how you're gonna conquer that situation or circumstance. That looks like it's winning against you, but you can because God's promised it.
So hold onto the truth. God's word is truth and that truth will set you free. All right, I'm gonna get to this prophecy today. Now this is this second one from February 23rd. This is called, The Real Truth is Coming Your Enemies Cannot Protect with Epstein and that Entire System Will Fall. Woe to those in the establishment who think Epstein all the evidence and the list of who was a part of it all is safe under your protection. You thought you covered all your tracks so no one could truly find out the truth
on what evil sex system you had in place that the American taxpayer actually paid for -- your sick perversion and your system.
You really thought the system was under the radar. All of you will be implicated, including Hollywood's connection and how important it was, along with the intelligence community running and protecting how things were running and operating. The heinous acts you have done against the innocent -- it will all be put out on display.
All of you who are and have massively dark and heinous, this system truly is. Epstein was a fall-guy for the establishment. He was not the leader. He was a minion to the architects and the globalists. They chose him to fall to save the "big fish", and who really controlled this dark underworld.
O My United States, there are many sick and vile bureaucrats in your government who preyed on young and innocent children.
A great collapse of this dark sex industry called child sex trafficking will be unearthed and annihilated!
Every tunnel, everywhere they hid the children in, the cargo ships and its shipping containers, how they shipped them from one country to another. This underground system of perversion -- will be eradicated! Every pedophile, murderer, and rapist: judgment will come in unprecedented ways to this evil system!
Shock will come when you find out funding came from you, O United States... ...and not only from the establishment in this nation, but nations throughout the world for the system to stay functioning.
My children, don't you see why violent shaking must take place to rid this evil out of your government and out of the entertainment industry and out of this world? Actors and actresses will fall, rappers and music artists and all kinds will fall. Directors and producers will fall... ...and what you'll find in production studios will make you scream in anger! How child actors were used, abused, manipulated, brainwashed, and controlled by the sick leaders of Hollywood.
They destroyed the innocence of so many children and adults. This industry and its system tried to take and destroy their souls so their victims wouldn't fight back so they could continue to use them and make money on them, until they found themselves their next victim.
Oh, how the entertainment industry will fall for the crimes against the children.
Disney, your walls are caving in! The hold you had on this industry is falling. You are hemorrhaging finances everywhere you look because JUDGEMENT has hit your sick company and your tunnels will be invaded and cleaned out! Your fall has only just begun. Great exposure is coming for Disney and it will hit the rest of Hollywood,
says The Lord of Hosts. My children, prepare to see politicians, judges, lawyers, CEOs, big names and well-known people arrested and dragged out from places everywhere because the tides have turned, and vengeance is coming for those who have filled this earth with such darkness and evil!
Vindication is coming for the innocent your enemies have tried to set up for them to take the fall for the guilty. So many people were set up to take the blame for many in Washington and Hollywood. Those who are truly innocent: your vindication will be unprecedented and it's coming sooner than you think!
My children, hold on! Violent shaking is coming to cleanse the earth of the wicked who have tried to overtake it. I Am moving against each one to bring a restoration for the world to experience a freedom that belongs to you, says The Lord, Your Redeemer. This is just the beginning of many. The Lord has given me not only regarding Epstein, this whole sex trafficking system, how the banks are included, how Hollywood is even more in depth than we realized how most of our government is involved, how the intelligence community is the ones who are help running it and protecting it.
Why do you think they're covering up Epstein? Epstein was not the ringleader. The Lord has been saying that for a long time. It goes beyond Epstein Island. This was a system, an underground system that was like the Lord was showing me when I was praying over. It was like these tentacles were all over every country.
They were making money on human sex trafficking of innocent children in our government. And the reason why this has never been stopped, and anybody who gets close to it, they try to ruin their life. This is a very dark system connected to the banking system, and you'll find out is connected to Wall Street.
The Lord was giving me this. I will give it to you this week. There's so many layers to this. That's why you're seeing some points. You're seeing delays, you're seeing all these people. Apparently they're getting all this redacted, classified information where most of it's blacked out because the FBI is involved, our government is involved not, and not every person.
I want to say that continuously. 'cause if the Lord goes after the intelligence community, like the CIA, the NSA or the FBI, there are really good people in there, godly men and women. It's the bureaucrats running it. You think of all the things with the Sound of Freedom movie, it took 'em five years. There was delay after delay, delay because the enemy wanted to try to stop and do everything it could to stop that movie from going forth.
You have Ben, who's had on this show before. He is making the movie The Dream also about child sex trafficking. We will have on the show, the next month or so, we're gonna have Tim Ballard on and he's gonna give more insight of what's happened. He is a gly man. We pray for him because they tried to ruin him, because he tried to destroy the, the, the industry and try to save the children.
We had to pray for people like him who are on the frontline, who are doing these sayings to save the innocent children. You don't realize the amount of blockades and all the ways they're trying to be stopped. God bless all of them who are doing this, and there's more like Tim Ballard that are out there trying to save the children and trying to expose the most evil, dark, and disgusting form of slavery that has ever existed, taking children away and making them their slaves and making money off of it.
This is a reason why the church can't give up. We have to fight for those innocent children, and I know so many people are overwhelmed with what they're already dealing with. They're just saying, how can I deal with and help in any way that I can? You can help them by standing in the gap interceding for them in prayer and calling down the walls of protection that has kept this evil, rogue, vile system underground and protected by the globalists all over the world.
We have the sword of the spirit, which is the word of God that can destroy any system that is manmade. That's why God's people have to know the power and the authority they truly have because there's sometimes we are dealing with so many things in our own life. We don't realize there are people out there that are dealing with worse circumstances in situations.
But Satan tries to keep us so occupied with all these horrible things that are going on in our life that we can't focus and help somebody else.
We have to wage war on the system. And God is saying, our country has not only funded this, our taxpayer dollars have gone to keep this functioning. Not only the sex trafficking in this country, but the sex trafficking in other nations. This is so deep and so dark. Why do you think the establishment, the swamp, the deep state, is doing everything to cover it up?
But I'm telling you, everybody who's been involved, they will be judged. And no matter what type of protection they have with the intelligence community, it's not enough to protect them from the judgment of almighty God. I wanna read something to you now. I don't know if I've ever read. This entire thing before this entire chapter in two Kings 19, there was a devastating situation that was going on, and there was a king of Assyrians who was attempting to attack Jerusalem as Aki was a king.
At that point, he made multiple different mistakes. I turn to Second Kings 19 in verse five, and why this is so important, I'm gonna read it outta the CEV translation. When leaders went to Isaiah. Now Isaiah obviously was the prophet in the land at the time. There were people that respected prophets, especially in the times of adversity.
There'd be people that were ruling. Kings and people that ruling in nations that sought out prophets to get the word of the Lord, to get the instructions. And it says in verse six, he told them, the Lord had this message for Hezekiah. So the Lord gave Isaiah the prophet a message for Hezekiah, I Am the Lord.
Don't worry about the insulting things that I've been seen or have been said about me by these messengers from the King of Azariah or Syria. Sorry, Syria. So one of the things I wanna point out, the King of Assyria was mocking God. Leaders around the world, all around the world today mock God, continuously.
Remember what says in God's word, he will not be mocked. What could happen? They have been messenger from the King of Assyria. I will upset him with rumors about what's happening in his own country. He will go back there. I'll make him die a violent death. So he's telling Isaiah to tell Hezekiah, do not be in fear or worried or intimidated by what words come out of the King of Assyria.
He's going to threaten you. He's going to try to destroy you and bring you to a point where you faint and you don't have any peace. Now, let's keep reading in verse nine, two Kings 19 in verse nine, about the same time the King of Assyria learned. Hold on a minute. The king of aka of Ethiopia was on the way to attack him, and the king of of Syria sent a messenger with the note tekiah.
Again, the King of Assyria was going to try to bring a note Tekiah to bring him fear to give up. Look how many times they have attacked this country. Look how many times they've gone after Trump. They've threatened him with everything they can, and it hasn't worked, and it didn't work this time either. In verse 10, don't trust your God or be fooled by the promises to defend Jerusalem against me.
So basically the king of Assy is saying, don't trust your God to protect Jerusalem because I Am going to destroy it. And why we see so arrogant and prideful, and you'll find out why. You have heard of how the Assyrian King. Have completely wiped out other nations. What makes you feel so safe? They're bullying 'em into submission.
We've destroyed all these other countries. We have a system put in place. It's a perfect system. No one's gonna be destroying this system. And I don't care who you think that God you serve. He's not bigger than me in my system than think of the system that's put in place right now. Think of all these leaders who think they're bigger than God.
He can do whatever they want and that's why they intimidate us on a constant basis for us to give up and quit so we don't turn to God. Let's keep reading and verse 14,
after as Aki read the note from the king of Steria, he took it to the temple and he spread out for the Lord to see. He wanted the Lord to see this threatening, which, you know, God already saw it. He prayed. That's the first thing we do. When we're in trouble, we have an any enemy coming after us and not threatening us.
What is the first thing we do? Is we gotta pray. He prayed, Lord God of Israel, your throne is above the winged creatures. You created the heaven and earth and you alone rule the kingdom of this world. Remember how many times we read that in the book of Daniel yesterday? Whereas a Kyle, when he was praying, also had that revelation.
God, you are the king that rules over every kingdom in the earth. But just how I had that name too. I can't pronounce it again, so I'm gonna skip over that name. Even though I had it, I had it so well this morning. I don't wanna insult the person by not saying their name right has insulted you in the living God is true.
Our Lord, as the ass, Syrian king has turned nations into deserts. They destroyed the idols of wood and stone and the people of those nations and made them worshiped. But you are our God and our you are Lord our God. And you ask. We ask you to keep us from safe, from the Assyrian King, then someone in every kingdom of on Earth will know that you are the only God stop.
You are gonna protect us from the king, and you're gonna let the King and everybody else know that you are the one true God. Remember he did the same thing in the Book of Exodus. He did the same thing in the book of Daniel. Guy has come up against many enemies. He's come up against many systems. He's come up against many leaders of nations.
Doesn't matter. And as Zeki was seeking, God, remember, just like Jehosaphat was seeking God when he had an army coming, a great army coming up against him in Second Chronicles, when we are in a desperate situation, the first thing we do is we go to God. We get his plan. Let's keep reading. Verse 22nd Kings, verse 20.
Isaiah went to Hezekiah and told him that the Lord of Israel had said, Hezekiah, I heard your prayer. Now he's saying to Hezekiah, not only did you pray, I heard your prayer. So he is giving him that peace. They didn't even know. You haven't seen all the answer yet. I've heard your prayer and the king of Assyria, and now this is what I will say to that king.
Now God said he is gonna deal with that king. The people of Jerusalem hate and make fun of you. They laugh behind your back. And he said, you curse and shouted and snared at me the Holy God of Israel. You let your officials insult me the Lord, and this is how you bragged about yourself. He's correcting this king of Assyria.
I led my chariots to the highest of Lebanon's mountains, and I went into the deepest forest cutting down the, the best cedar in cypress trees. I dried up every steam stream of the land of Egypt, and I drank water from the wells I had dug. And he says his name again and he says, now listen to me, Lord. I planned all this long ago.
The Lord is saying, I let you, I let you build your system. I let you think that you're high and lofty and you can do whatever you want. I let you destroy all these these places. Just to get you and trap you in this spot right now. God was setting him up long ago, and the King of Assyria had no idea. He fell right into the trap of Almighty God and he says, now listen to me.
The Lord I had planned all this long ago, and you don't even realize that alone. I Am the one who decided that you would do these things. So the King of Asy truly thought that was his own plan. He thought he was smart, so did Pharaoh, but he says, I will let you make ruins of fortified cities. Let's keep reading.
He caught 'em exactly where he wanted them. It looked like the Ken of Steria was gonna take over Jerusalem and still destroy the Jerusalem, and that's not the case. And it's let's go to verse where am I at now? Verse 26. Their people became weak, terrible, confused. They were like wildfires of tendered young grass and growing on a flat roof, scorched before it's matures.
Verse 27, I know all about you, even how fiercely angry you are with me. The king was angry with God. But verse 28, he says, I have seen your pride and the tremendous hatred you have for me. Now, I'll put a hook in your nose, a bit in your mouth. Then I will send you back to where you came from. So God is saying, I'm gonna put you right where you think that you're gonna win because I've dragged you here just to drag you back out.
To your utter defeat. And then he says, I'll sending you a bit in your nose or a bit in your mouth and then I'll send you back to where you came from. Verse 29. Hezekiah, I will tell you what's gonna happen. God always tells his people what's gonna happen before it happens so they don't panic. He says, this year you will eat crops that will grow on their own, and the next year you will eat with whatever springs up, whatever crops grow for the third year.
You will plant grain and vineyards, but you'll eat what your harvest. Those who survive in Judah will be like a vine that puts down deep roots and bears fruit. So it looked like Jerusalem was gonna be a desert waste place. Looks like it was gonna be ruined because the king of Syria was coming after Jerusalem to take it over and destroy it.
And then God is telling his people, Hey, don't worry about what the king is gonna do because I'm gonna make you flourish. I'm gonna bless you. Let's keep reading. Verse 31,
I the Lord All powerful will see to it that who lives in Jerusalem will survive. God's gonna protect his people. I promise that the king of Assyria won't get into Jerusalem or shoot any anyone to the city or even surround it and prepare to attack. Now, it looked like this was exactly what was gonna happen, that the Syrian army was gonna surround Jerusalem.
It was gonna attack and it was gonna destroy it, level it. But God said, don't worry about it. As surely as I and the Lord, he will return. By the way he came. Never entered Jerusalem. God was gonna make him turn and run. I'll protect it for myself and for my servant. David. Remember, you had made a promise to David that same night the Lord sent.
Now look, remember the Lord of angel armies? He's the Lord of hosts, the Lord of angel armies. He said the Lord sent an angel to the camp of the Assyrians and he killed 185,000 of them. So the angel of the Lord killed 185,000 of the Assyrians. And so the next morning the camp was full of dead bodies.
After the king, uh uh, whatever his name is, went back to Assyria and he lived in the city of Nineveh. And then you can find out in the later scripture after he went back to Nineveh, his sons killed him. That King of Assyria died. He did not stay alive. The king died. Why? 'cause he was judged. And the reason why I'm giving this scripture out is because no matter the plots and plans and the schemes of the enemy, no matter what it looks like they've already destroyed, no matter what looks like they, their plans are to next to destroy.
No matter if they look like they're surrounding you, it doesn't matter if it looks like they're greater than you are, God is saying, Nope, I have bought 'em out to this very place to draw 'em out, to defeat 'em, send 'em packing, and then judgment comes. So no matter how heinous, how evil, how dark, how big, how giant a system is, it's not bigger than God.
And God even said, I knew this long ago what you were gonna do, and I drug you by your nose. You thought it was your idea. I actually gave it to you. It would be your downfall when you thought it was gonna be your victory. Same thing happened to Pharaoh. Same thing happened to the army that came up against Jehosaphat.
God doesn't lose, it doesn't matter how big a system is. God is the most high God. He's El Elian. He's also Jehovah or El Shadai, excuse me, El Shadai, thank God whom nothing is impossible. Let's read another scripture, Psalm one 40 and verse eight. Grant not, oh Lord, the desire of the wicked. Further, not their wicked plot and device, lest they exalt themselves.
Most. The enemies exalt themselves because they're so arrogant and so proud. They lift themselves up. They think they're stronger than God and what happens, they will always be defeated. It even says right here, grant, not, oh Lord, the desires of the wicked and fro or not, they're wicked plot and devices.
Let's read another scripture. Isaiah 48 22.
There is no peace, says the Lord. For the wicked, God gives us peace. We get outta peace in the most devastating situation of the circumstance. Even when the enemies think they're winning and they think that got us where they want us, they have no peace. Here's another scripture. Isaiah 54 21, or sorry, Isaiah 57 21.
There is no peace. Says, my God, for the wicked, it's important for us to know there is no peaceful, wicked God is gives us to us, but they don't get any. Levi, Leviticus 26, verse seven and eight. Leviticus verse 27, or sorry, verse 26, 7 and eight.
This is what the Lord's saying. Look at, he says, you shall chase your enemies. They shall fall before you by the sword. Now, first of all, put, think about this and put this in spiritual context. God says, you are gonna chase your enemy. How do we chase our enemies with the sword? They'll fall before us. Why?
Because of the sword of the spirit, which is the word of God, and that's how we fight. We fight on our knees. That's how our enemies are gonna fall before us. Then it says in verse eight, five of you shall chase a a hundred and a hundred of you shall put 10,000 to flight. Your enemies shall fall before you by the sword.
God is saying, remember, it even says in Psalm nine one, a thousand may come at one side and 10,000 on another, but it won't come near you. You think about all the ways that God protects us from our enemy, but God wants you awry to arise and let the enemies be scattered. Know the power that you have in this sword of the spirit.
Yield that weapon in your mouth. You speak God's word. You let his word work. You don't have to make it work. You don't even have to wonder how it's gonna work. You just know that God's faithful to perform his word. That's why the enemy has not wanted us to know how powerful the words are. God's word is.
It's a weapon. Let's go to Isaiah 41, 11 and 12. Behold, all they who are enraged to and inflamed against you shall be put to shame and confounded. They who strive against you shall be as nothing and they shall perish. You think about what they've done with this system, the financial system, the sex trafficking system they've done with our government, had done how to spy on us with all of our intelligence community.
You think about all the things that they have done and how big. That deep state truly is. It's like a monstrosity in this country embedded everywhere and throughout the nations. But if you look at a scripture, behold all who are enraged and inflamed against you, you should be put you should put them to shame.
You should be put to shame and confounded. They who strive against you shall be nothing and they shall perish. Verse 12, you shall seek those who contend with you, but you'll not find them. The who war against you shall be nothing. Nothing at all. Those who war against us are nothing. They're nothing at all.
We had to stop seeing our enemies too big to defeat just like David. He saw DA Goliath as too big to miss. The soldiers saw him. He was too big to defeat because they didn't see the perception that God gave David. They could have. They chose not to. They chose to see the situation and circumstance in the natural, and David chose to see it in the supernatural.
David knew that he had a covenant with God. Goliath didn't, and that's the reason why he was able to defeat Goliath the way he did, because God is the one you know. He threw that stone. The force behind that stone was driven by almighty God, the force driven by the words spoken out of our mouth. God said he was driving the giants out of our land.
He said, drives, were gonna fall. We have giants in our land. They're not going to stay where they are. But if we see all these different situations where God warned his people, tell 'em what was gonna ha is happen ahead of time and say, look, don't worry about it. I've got you covered. This is their plan.
They're empty threats. They're empty words. Do not get into fear. Hold on to me because I'm your protector. I'm gonna give you peace, even in the midst of great adversity. That's what God does. I wanna go back over this prophetic word again. Now in this last week or so, he's given me several on Epstein, the banking system.
Several on the FBI very in depth on how bad this goes. Again, we've always reached the surface of some of the corruption. It's worse than we can have imagined, but God has to warn us of these things because he is been warning us about shock and awe. So we are able to handle the things that we are hearing.
And when the enemies kept telling us to pay a fair share of taxes, they weren't saying it, that it benefits us 'cause it wasn't, it was benefiting them and their vile and disgusting system. Why do you think God said he was gonna tear apart the IRS? Why did God say he was gonna get rid of the Federal Reserve?
Why does God say he was gonna bring down the WEF? The World Economic Forum. He was gonna bring down the who. There's a reason why these world systems have to come down. There's a reason why this financial system controlled by these banks that are controlled by a Wall Street and controlled by our government.
It's deep, it's dark, it, it's nasty. And then he gave me another one on nine 11.
And it's hard to hear these things. You don't, I mean, honestly, I think sometimes you just don't wanna know how bad our government was, but we have to hear the truth or we'll never be the country that we need to be if we can't get rid of the corruption that's there. First paragraph, woe of those in the establishment who think Epstein and all that evidence and the list of who was a part of it all is safe under your protection.
What they gave out apparently it was a couple days ago or something, was the same thing that was been released before. It was nothing new. It was a distraction to hide from what's really going on. There is video evidence that is gonna come out and is going to crush most of DC and Hollywood. A lot of judges, CEOs of companies.
That's the reason why this has been so hidden. But they needed to have somebody like Epstein. It looked like he was the ringleader and what God was saying, he was a minion. You're gonna find out where he got all this, hundreds of millions of dollars. He didn't have a job besides human trafficking. You'll find out who the architects and who made him.
Who gave him that island who set him up? He's a minion, a puppet. He says, you thought you covered all your tracks so no one could truly see and find the truth. What evil sex system you had in place in the American taxpayers actually paid for your sick perversion in your system? Do you see why most of us in this country should be very, very, very angry?
Our taxpayer money was not going to what it was supposed to go for.
To truly help people, it went into the pockets of these bureaucrats and their disgusting and evil perverse system.
You truly thought this system was under the radar. Remember a lot of this was happening underground. You're gonna find a lot of underground passageways, tunnels and a system. It was what God's been saying for the last four years. This was not just an island. People only target and pay attention to that island.
That was just one of many places.
But again, that's the distraction. That's the illusion. Pay attention to this over here so we can hide the real truth over here. They want you to look over here and not look over here.
He says, all of you'll be implicated, including Hollywood connection. And how important was Hollywood played a major role in this,
along with the intelligence community running and protecting how things were running and operating. They were making sure, again, it's intelligence. They were using the systems that were supposed to be used to protect this country. They used it to protect themself and protect the system.
The heinous acts you have done against the innocent and it will all be put out in display who all of you are and how massively dark and heinous the system truly is. There are videos, there were cameras all over Epstein Island. There were cameras all over his mansions. There are logs of people who were went on those airplanes and people were in those houses.
There are people, children, but again, the bigger picture, it connects it to the banking industry. It connects it to money. That's why they had to use Epstein as his fall person, as the island as a distraction to hide what's truly being the brains and how the system is really, truly functioning and who the real architects are.
The big fish are,
Epstein was a fall-guy for the establishment. You know, that's the reason why they had try, they had kill him. He could implement so many people. He was a threat in captivity or in, you know, in, in prison. You know, he could have just told the truth. They made sure he couldn't. It's like they saw on so many other people.
He was a minion to the architects and the globalists. They chose him to fall to save the big fish, and who really controlled this under. Underworld. This dark underworld is what God calls it.
O My United States, There are many sick and vile bureaucrats in your government who preyed on young and innocent children. You'll find out there's a lot of those tunnels in DC as well and under major cities. And a lot of it has to do with obviously Disney as well. And a lot of these production studios no matter where they are in Hollywood, I know they have production studios everywhere because a great collapse of this dark sex industry called the trial sex trafficking will be unearthed and annihilated every tunnel, everywhere they hid the children in.
Now, this is another thing. It wasn't just hiding them. And the tunnels. They're hiding them in cargo ships and containers, shipping containers. Watch out for evergreen, watch out for those type of things. Why do you think another reason why China has a lot of the ports throughout this world and control A lot of the ports?
Ports are, they do some of the heinous things and ports around the world, and some of this is child trafficking,
how they ship them from one country to another. This underground system of perversion will be eradicated. Every pedophile, murderer and rapists judgment will come in unprecedented ways to this evil system. Shock will come when you find out funding came from you. Oh, United States. And not only for this establishment in this nation, you know, all the child trafficking funded them, and our taxpayers help our taxpayer money help helped it and still helping it, but he says it helps it through the nations throughout the world for the system to stay functioning.
You're gonna find out a lot of the billion dollars that I've gone for foreign aid was not going to foreign aid. It was going to not only child sex trafficking, but it was going to biological warfare, and it was going to these places where they hid the bio weapons in Ukraine is full of it. It's not the only country.
There are so many bad things that are happening in Ukraine.
My children. Don't you see why violent shaking must take place or rid this evil out of your government and outta the, the entertainment industry and outta this world? That's why God has said, and I'm gonna repeat this again. An election could not save us
because it has to be more than just an election that's gonna eradicate and wr out and tear apart and rip apart this system and tear it to shreds. It has to only be God.
We are not strong enough on our own, but we are with God. God will get the glory for this. He says, even out of your government, out of the entertainment industry and out of this world, actors and actresses will fall. We've only seen the beginning. We're gonna find out a, a lot of well-known and beloved actors and actresses.
We're a part of it. The sex industry. P Diddy, again, fall-guy. He was just another minion. But you're gonna see a lot of people connected to him, and that's the reason why they're hiding a lot of that, because a lot of people, including high and well-known politicians and government officials were at those parties.
He said actors, actresses will fall. Rappers and music, music artists of all kinds will fall. Directors, producers will, will fall. And you'll find in production studios
will make you scream in anger how child actors were used, manipulated, brainwashed, and controlled by the Sikh leaders of Washington, or sorry, Sikh leaders of Hollywood. They destroyed the innocence of so many children and adults. The industry and the system tried to take and destroy their souls so their victims wouldn't fight back, so they could continue to use them and make money on them until they found their next victim, and then they would throw 'em away.
Why do you think so many child actors and actresses got into drugs and alcohol? Why so many went crazy? Why so many died? Because they destroyed their soul and their innocence.
Oh, how the entertainment industry will fall for the crimes against the children. Now, Disney's a huge part of this Disney year. Walls are caving in. The hold you had on this industry is falling. You are hemorrhaging finances everywhere you look. Judgment has hit your sick company and your tunnels will be invaded and cleaned out.
Your fall has only just begun. Great exposure is coming for Disney and it will hit the rest of Hollywood. Says the Lord of hosts. Disney is one of the biggest culprits and leaders in Hollywood. Why do you think Disney has bought out everything? Which really stinks because I like some of the stuff that they did till I found out how evil and corrupt they truly are.
My children prepare to see politicians, judges, lawyers, CEOs, and big name and well-named people arrested and dragged out from their places everywhere because the tides have turned. A vengeance is coming for those who have filled this earth with such darkness and evil, God vengeance is coming. You can read that in Hebrews 10 and 30.
It's in a couple different other scriptures. But I love that one because it says full justice rest with him. Vindication is coming for the innocent who your enemies try to set up for them to take the fall for the guilty. I don't know how many people they've set up. There are so many people that are innocent that have taken a fall for a lot of other people.
So many people were set up to take the blame for many in Washington and Hollywood. Those who are truly innocent, your vindication will be unprecedented and it's coming sooner than you think. So to those of those people, for those people who have been persecuted. Their lives have been destroyed. Like I said, you can't believe everything because what God said, it could look one way when it's actually another.
That's why you have to get discernment from God and not from the internet. My children hold on. Violent shaking is coming to cleanse the earth of the wicked who have tried to overtake it. I'm moving against each one to bring a restoration for the world to experience a freedom that belongs to you, says the Lord, your redeemer.
You gotta think of how many people that have died to save the establishments corruption, their system. They have killed people who were threatening it and who got in the way no matter if it's in the sports industry. No matter if it was in the entertainment industry, politicians, families, judges, you name it.
If people could be a threat to the establishment, think how many innocent lives were were killed because of it. You think of what's happened all over the world. Things were planned on purpose for distraction, but God is tearing it down and that's why he's preparing each and every one of us and wants to give us peace because no matter what we see, when the system comes crashing down, we will not be afraid and we will not be moved.
So I wanna pray. I'll reach to every one of you, father God, in Jesus name. Oath up every person. The sound of my voice. Father God, I pray that they get to know Jehova Jehovah Shalom. The Lord is our peace. Father God, I thank you that you fill them up, that peace that passes understanding in every way.
Father God, we thank you that you are guarding their hearts. You are guarding their minds from the onslaught of the lies, the distractions and the the deception of the enemy and how he's trying to do everything to tell your people they're not strong enough and they can't keep going. Father God, I thank you for giving that, that impartation of joy that they have to have right now, that joy floods their hearts and floods their homes.
Father God, I thank you right now that they get to know the power, the authority that they have as a believer and the authority they have in that name that's above every name, that they know how to use the sword of the spirit against the enemy. And it is written, no weapon formed against them shall prosper.
And we declare it and dec decre, and we will stay, say it every single day until it resonates down in their heart. No matter what they're experiencing, it's not bigger than you and Father God, we lift up this system to you with all those innocent children, how they have been enslaved. This is the greatest form of slavery ever in existence.
And it's been underground and there are so many vile and evil and horrible things that have been happening under the radar. No form of slavery is what you ever wanted for your people, no form of bondage. And Father God, we cry out to you that you send the host of Angel armies to flood those tunnels, those cargo ships with your love, your protection.
And we thank you, father God, for destroying the power of that system and releasing those people outta the hands of those wicked ones and bring judgment on them. Father God, that their walls of that sex industry come crashing and crumbling down will, they will not be able to recover from it.
Even the porn industry destroy its power over the minds and the hearts of all your children and people around the world who get sucked into that spirit of lust and perversion. It's destroying their spirit
any way that the enemy is destroying the innocence of the minds of children and the minds of adults. Father God, we know that you are El Elian. You are the most high God, and we call upon the most high God because Father God, you ruled over all the kingdoms of this earth. And we thank you for tearing down every single functioning system the enemies have in place that is against you.
And we thank you that every giant will fall. They'll be eradicated from their places of power, and none of them will be safe from your judgment.
And we thank you, father God, that justice is the foundation of your throne.
We say that not only these children will be freed from where they're at, but Father God no feeble, that they are restored in their spirit, they're restored in their mind, they're restored or their soul, they're restored in their body, father God. And they will not live a life of torment and torture with PTSD from what they experienced, that you wipe them and completely clean of those thoughts and those memories.
And we thank you, father God, for placing judgment on everyone who held them captive and made money off of it. We thank you, father God, for raiding every one of these honey pots and honey holes and emptying them out so they are no longer Keep that, that system functioning and we thank you, father God. You are El, should I?
You're the God whom nothing is impossible. We thank you that the world will know that you still are the great I Am. And we thank you for it in Jesus' name, amen and amen. Also, I encourage you today and again, keep those children up in your prayers. There are millions all across the world that are enslaved to this system, and we as a body of Christ have to fight that good fight of faith and hold that line to save those children from the hands of the wicked ones.
And we can do that by speaking continuously the word of God. And if you have any prayer requests or praise reports, go to our Under our contact page, you can write us at Julie Green Ministries International 46 20 East 53rd Street. Suite 200, Davenport, Iowa 5 2 8 0 7. We have a very powerful prayer team here, and we pray over each and every one of those prayer requests.
We love each and every one of you, and we are here for you on a continual basis. Then if you want any Julie Green Ministries merchandise, you can go to three sons That's three sons, and again, new merchandise will be dropping, I think within this next week. New hats, new shirts and stuff, and keep your dates open.
I'm so close to be able to tell you where this is gonna be located here in the Quad Cities. We're about ready to sign that contract so I can tell you exactly where this location is gonna be for the Holy Ghost and Fire Conference June 20th and 21st. So keep those dates open. I'm telling you, you're not regret.
Coming. I'll be the only speaker. We're gonna have an amazing band with praise and worship. It is gonna fill, we're praying that God is gonna fill that place fully with not only people, but his power and miracle signs and wonders. So come expecting, okay? And until then, oh, encourage you today, please, I subscribe and share and give this to everyone you know who needs to hear an encouraging word, who needs to hear the truth, because the truth will set you free.
God loves you. I love you. God bless you in half. Hey, wonderful day.
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