#267 | You Are Killing People, South Africa Riots, Black Rifle NY Times Piece | Matt & Blonde Show

12 hours ago

Show streamed live on Jul 18, 2021
*Please note - the information posted below was accurate when originally streamed. Links may now be outdated and/or inactive.

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Artwork by Facepalm Reality
Facepalm Reality's Twitter: http://bit.ly/2AZfI4V
Facepalm Reality's YouTube channel: http://bit.ly/2uxbrr9

Fast Car remix: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=7dzaVrhphlE
Bearing and SugarTits' cover of "Catch the Wind": https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=DPZtCSScFWM
Additional music by Chris Gard, Morbicae Official: https://bit.ly/2GrOAnv

Items referenced:
DACA halted in court: https://archive.is/gORuU
George Floyd mural struck by lightning: https://bit.ly/3khW6DB
Texas Democrats don’t plan to go home yet: https://archive.is/jzLNs
Texas Democrats will overcome, some day: https://bit.ly/3kawl89
Texas Dems test positive: https://fxn.ws/3kvZ0EB
‘Confronting health misinformation’ White House press conference: https://cnn.it/3BjMRIT
Psaki wants you banned on all social media: https://bit.ly/3kAIenV
Psaki says Facebook misinfo is killing people: https://bit.ly/3wIIi7p
Rasmussen polling on social media censorship: https://bit.ly/3wITd1b
Joe Biden says Facebook is killing people: https://bit.ly/3rjo5nB
CV stats: https://bit.ly/39tZ8eC
Foo Fighters test positive: https://bit.ly/3hKBu5a
NHS data on Delta deaths: https://bit.ly/3k2MH2k
Jen Psaki’s confused vaccine messaging: https://bit.ly/3xHk0w9
Transcription of Psaki’s confused messaging: https://bit.ly/3etQDpk
Facebook responds to White House: https://bit.ly/3ev9qRl
LA mask mandate back in effect: https://lat.ms/2UXXcth
Fauci says 3-year-olds should wear masks: https://bit.ly/3B4EDV9
Gayle King bans her family from Thanksgiving: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=NXL7-4Mrm5c
Cuba updates: https://fxn.ws/3rkL2ak
Psaki condemns communism: https://bit.ly/2ThSx51
Biden condemns communism and socialism: https://bit.ly/36FCYqZ
South Africa rioting: https://bbc.in/3iqhzYe
South Africa looting video: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=NXL7-4Mrm5c
South Africa looter robbed: https://bit.ly/3kxyeMm
KFC burned down: https://bit.ly/2UfzR6H
South African Citizens warned not to take law into own hands: https://bit.ly/3hPfvtC
WaPo on South Africa: https://archive.is/zSc9L
Black Economic Empowerment in South Africa: https://bit.ly/3kvp8j2
Other South African quotaism: https://bit.ly/3ewTXjB
Original Black Rifle Coffee-Kyle Rittenhouse controversy explained: https://bit.ly/3hJH5bU
Black Rifle Coffee original statement on Rittenhouse: https://bit.ly/3rkIada
Black Rifle Coffee NYT piece: https://archive.is/1KNq3
Arrests outside Wi Spa as protests and fights continue: https://bit.ly/36MK2C6
Listener Anita’s Daily Mail interview about her Wi Spa experience: https://bit.ly/3z29LTn
Rainbow butt monkey d1ld0 man reads to kids: https://bit.ly/3eivkHh
Dude tries to br34stfeed: https://bit.ly/3B9BN0W
Hoax hate, families sue Universal Studios over OK hand sign: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=9diMcFXAmb8 https://archive.is/wip/tKRYc
ADL on the okay hand sign: https://bit.ly/3ewMNfd
Matt’s Pee-wee’s Big Adventure review: https://bit.ly/3rh7sJr

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