What I Would Have Said At Virgil's Funeral [v6] - WAR (Kanye West)

10 hours ago

One of the few unreleased songs we have from Kanye West's, James Blake, and No I.D.'s cancelled album "WAR". This is the 6th version of this song, and one of the only we have in full. Song is known as "Virgil's Funeral" and "What I Would Have Said At Virgil's Funeral". Song is especially hard hitting because of Kanye West and Virgil's relationship as close friends, which eventually soured, right before Virgil passed away from his battle with cancer he had never disclosed.

OG Filename: what I would have said at virgils funeral4
Has mumble Ye vocals. Was thought to be called "Always". Samples "Crazy Bout My Boifriend (Loopy)" by Sissy Nobby. Original CDQ snippets leaked December 2022 & October 16th, 2023, with an HQ snippet also leaking February 17th, 2023.

Helped produced by James Blake and No I.D.

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