The Experiment!

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Welcome to The Experiment!

We got fun and games. For two hours or so. Well, I do. 58 does not necessarily render this a 'We' operation.

Fun Facts:

I have no idea what I am doing.
I am terribly mercenary.
I can be bribed via !

To do WHAT you may ask? WELL :

15 bucks has me proving I'm a real boy for 30 minutes, showtime remaining. Please note you want the puppet to go away in your message.
10 bucks has me reading an SCP file of your choosing, showtime remaining (though I will likely extend the show to complete one) Please have the number in your request.
5 bucks has me playing and rocking out to a music track of your choosing. Ideally via a link in your donation- but I'll do the legwork to find it if I must...

The only thing that will keep me from immediately doing one of these things, is a guest. Yes, there MAY be a guest! Suffice it to say, all courtesy and consideration will be paid for generous support.

FYI- these streams are effectively unstable and may self-destruct or otherwise remove themselves from record. Why? To avoid overzealous copyright vulture programs- or just to keep them a special moment in time, between us.

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