Matthew 3

11 hours ago

Matthew 3 introduces John the Baptist, who preaches in the Judean wilderness, calling people to repent because "the Kingdom of Heaven is near." He fulfills Isaiah’s prophecy (Isaiah 40:3) as the "voice crying out in the wilderness," preparing the way for the Messiah. John baptizes many in the Jordan River but rebukes the Pharisees and Sadducees who come to him, calling them a "brood of vipers" and demanding genuine fruits of repentance, warning that judgment is coming.

Then, Jesus arrives from Galilee to be baptized by John. At first, John hesitates, recognizing Jesus’ superiority, but Jesus insists, saying it is necessary to "fulfill all righteousness." After the baptism, the heavens open, the Spirit of God descends like a dove upon Jesus, and a voice from heaven declares, "This is my beloved Son, in whom I am well pleased."

Main takeaway: Matthew 3 presents John the Baptist as the forerunner of the Messiah, highlights Jesus’ baptism as a moment of obedience and divine revelation, and marks the start of Jesus’ ministry with God’s approval.

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