This Should Be The End Of Him.

15 days ago

Right, so if anything truly deserves to finish Keir Starmer off as the red Tory footnote in political history of this country, it is his ardent support for making the cost of living crisis worse for us all, but to turn his sights on disabled people who’s health issues are so severe they can never work, and may never have been able to work is unforgivable and inexcusable cruelty. It must be stated that we are of course still awaiting the full details of what is actually to come, but when government berks can go on telly and refuse to rule out benefit freezes or even cuts for the most severe cases, people have every reason to worry. There is certainly misinformation out there, Personal Independence Payments are not getting axed for example, but facing a freeze, it is still a real terms cut to everyone who has managed to claim it through all the hurdles already put in place for people. Benefit cuts, winter fuel allowance cuts, energy bill rises, water bill rises, council tax rises, wages too low, it is those at the bottom end of the income scale, including those in work, and indeed disabled people in work who are going to be hit hardest here, all as we watch Starmer and Reeves spend more on defence and give away billions to Ukraine and although a rebellion of Labour MPs is mooted, with 404 MPs, what difference will even 80 MPs make and will they be punished for standing up for what is right and fair? This deserves to finish Starmer and this evil government, and if Labour MPs cant stop this, then we have to at the ballot box.
Right, so the Labour Party, once upon a time positioned itself as the party of social justice, equality, and compassion. It still does that under Keir Starmer, except we know that is a lie and it stands for nothing of the sort, not when the rich and Starmer’s mates and donors avoid paying their fair share, even to the point the most severely disabled face real terms cuts to incomes to make up for, giving billions to Zelensky and even if you consider that an unfair comparison, the optics are what they are. Starmer and Reeves can give away billions and now the cuts come after, seemingly to pay for that. Social security reforms, benefits, welfare, called all sorts depending on the narrative a chosen media outlet wants to present, particularly the recent reports of a planned freeze on Personal Independence Payments (PIP) have cast this shadow of pure nastiness even further, raising serious concerns about the party’s commitment to protecting the most vulnerable in society. PIP is a lifeline for millions of disabled people across the UK. It provides essential financial support to those who face significant challenges in their daily lives due to disability or illness, it helps address these additional costs and gives them a semblance of dignity and respect in their lives, from paying for transport, to helping them access and get to work to paying for essential services they cannot manage themselves. A freeze on PIP, which would amount to a real-terms cut in the face of rising inflation, we should all know how that works by now, we’ve been made poorer for enough years on end by now to understand that, would disproportionately affect the most severely disabled individuals—those who clearly and obviously cannot work. if implemented, this freeze risks driving thousands of disabled people into poverty, undermining the very principles of fairness and social justice that Labour supposedly stands for.
Oh but Labour doesn’t stand for that anymore does it? Labour is the party of work, clue is in the name we’re told. Wrong. It is the party of workers not work, to be the party of work puts you on the side of the bosses, not the employees and actually even that isn’ the whole truth, because Labour was set up to represent the working class, be they in work or not, but we’re a long way from Keir Hardie with Keir Starmer, his Labour Party is just another lousy Tory Party of the rich now, of that there is little need for debate.
As you can imagine the proposed freeze has sparked outrage among disability rights groups, activists, and even within the Labour Party itself. Reports suggest that up to 80 Labour MPs are preparing to rebel against the government’s welfare reforms, highlighting the depth of discontent within the party, but this doesn’t go anywhere near far enough. If 80 MPs are preparing to rebel over this, that means 324 of them are still likely to vote for whatever the actual details are when they come, cuts or freezes certainly what they will be though. It’s not much of a rebellion in the grand scheme of things therefore, despite being a big number to attract the mainstream media, it is unlikely to be enough to stop the reforms from passing, as the majority of Labour MPs are going to toe the party line, fearing the consequences of defying the leadership. Memories will be cast back to the 7 MPs who got the whip withdrawn for rebelling over the two child benefit cap, would Starmer suspend 80? He could afford to in theory, but given the publicity damage last time, I’d suggest this is less likely, so come on Labour MPs, show some backbone instead of behaving like a shiver looking for a spine.
While the full details of these social security reforms have not yet been published, reports suggest that they include measures to tighten eligibility criteria, reduce the overall welfare budget, and shift the focus towards “supporting people into work.” On the surface, these reforms may appear to be aimed at creating a more efficient and sustainable welfare system. However, a closer examination reveals that they risk causing significant harm to some of the most vulnerable members of society, because no allowance appears to be being made clear for those who clearly cannot work to not still be made worse off.
For disabled people who are unable to work due to the severity of their conditions, PIP is not a luxury but a necessity. It helps cover the additional costs associated with living with a disability, I mentioned some uses for it a moment ago, others include mobility aids, home adaptations, and personal care – none of this is cheap. A freeze on PIP, a real terms cut, will simply end up leaving recipients increasingly unable to meet their basic needs and when you consider there are already high levels of poverty among disabled people in the UK, rather than cut this money, it should be being raised. According to the Disability Benefits Consortium, around 4.4 million disabled people live in poverty, and cuts to PIP would only exacerbate this crisis, plunging an addition 700,000 disabled people into poverty. That’s not rebuilding the country, that’s not fixing a broken system, that’s just evil. Willful, unnecessary, unrepentant evil.
So does Labour deserve some backlash already even though the details aren’t yet confirmed? Yes. Against the backdrop of ministerial responses and reports that have come out, this is absolutely justified and necessary because it shows the anger in the country at this, that we don’t agree and won’t stand for it and we’ll give you a bloody nose at the ballot box to prove it. Of all people in this country to strip money from in effect, you’ve got to be pretty depraved to consider the most severely disabled people amongst us as a fair target.
However, the rebellion is unlikely to be enough to stop the reforms from passing. The Labour Party’s strict disciplinary mechanisms, including the threat of withdrawing the whip, have created a culture of fear and conformity among MPs. The recent example of the seven MPs who lost the whip for voting to scrap the two-child benefit cap demonstrates the consequences of defying the leadership. While these MPs may have acted on principle, their punishment sends a clear message to others: dissent will not be tolerated.
Speaking of depraved though, not all Labour MPs are opposed to the welfare reforms, even if it means stripping money from severely disabled people. A group of MPs have formed the Britain Working Group, who have issued a statement, the latter part of which reads:
‘As MPs, we understand that delivering this new social contract requires hard choices to be made. We welcome the work that has begun to rebuild our welfare system and we are fully supportive of it. We believe reforming our broken system is not only necessary, but also a truly progressive endeavour. And so we have established the Get Britain Working Group to make that argument insistently.
We have the opportunity to create a transformed welfare system. One built on employment, that refuses to accept wasted potential as inevitable. A system which measures its compassion by the opportunity it provides, not the lowness of its expectation. As a group, we are ready to do all we can to support you in building it.’
I’m not having that. It’s not a hard choice to punch down on the most disabled, it’s the easiest, what an easy target they are and those defending it here are craven, clueless monsters. You aren’t fixing a broken system, you’re taking a sledgehammer to it to cripple it further and those who’s lives literally rely on it and as much as you want to talk about getting Britain working, you make no allowance for those who so obviously can’t.
The guy who’s name os top of the list of this letter, is Labour MP for Hendon, David Pinto-Duschinsky, who also happens to be chair of the DWP Select Committee, so the chair of the committee that holds the DWP to account, cheerleading for these so called reforms. 36 Labour MPs have signed up to this group, others worth a mention are Luke Akehurst, who is himself disabled and who’s work background mainly consists of cheerleading for Israel, as well as having stitched up the NEC together with other signatories like Gurinder Singh-Josan. Slum landlord Jas Athwal is on there as well as fellow nasty landlord Bayo Alaba and the Corbyn obsessive Joani Reid. Here’s an image of the list, see if your MP is on there, perhaps ask them what they think they’re doing.
The Get Britain Working Group’s stance reflects that ever more right wing ideological shift within the Labour Party, away from its traditional commitments to social justice becoming just as bad if not worse potentially than the Tories before them, there’s certainly no change here.
For many, PIP is the difference between being able to live independently and being forced into poverty and becoming trapped in their homes 24/7. The difficulty of claiming PIP, with roughly half of all claims being denied, adds to the challenges faced by disabled people whilst undermining nonsense ill-informed narratives that loads of people claim it, that it is easy to claim and it is riddled with fraudsters. Over a one year period according to the DWPs own figures, around 333,000 PIP claims were denied. The appeals process is lengthy and stressful, and many people give up before they are able to secure the payments they may well be entitled to.
The claim that benefit fraud is a significant problem is often used to justify cuts to welfare by these same people and the lowest form of political pondlife out there, because this claim is a myth, especially when measured against much bigger issues like tax evasion and tax fraud and this is especially true when it comes to PIP, undermining any suggestion of freezing it or cutting it because the level of fraud in PIP is 0%, meaning that it simply does not exist. Despite this, the government continues to use rhetoric like “cracking down on fraud” to justify its welfare reforms, even applying to PIP as we’re now seeing being mooted, perpetuating harmful stereotypes about disabled people and diverting attention away from the real issues, where the real cuts can and should be being made or where tax rises instead would be more appropriate.
Despite the gaping chasms of ableist idiots on social media who always seem to get themselves amplified, the wider public is likely to view cuts to disability benefits, as deeply unfair, particularly at a time when the government is finding billions of pounds to increase defence spending and provide aid to Ukraine. This perception of unfairness will erode public trust in the government and damage Labour’s electoral prospects and serves them right. With the thug Mike Amesbury now triggering a by-election by stepping down as an MP after a late night punch up, a strong message can be sent out, labour holding a roughly 15,000 vote majority, but equally with local elections coming up, at least where Starmer hasn’t managed to stop them, afraid of elections as he now is, we can give him good reason to be afraid, because politicians behaving like this, pushing policies like this, should be afraid of us and where we take our vote.
The fact that the full details of Labour’s welfare reforms have not yet been published does not mean that it is too early to talk about them, or that it is pointless conjecture to, enough is known to be of concern. Therefore, now is the time to raise awareness of the potential impact of these reforms and to put pressure on the government that if this is what they’re thinking, they can think again and that they still have time to change course, especially when it comes to the most severely disabled, there can be no forgiveness if they still end up being targeted.
It is also important to challenge the disinformation that is circulating about PIP as well. Contrary to what a lot of fearmongering fools are saying, PIP is not being axed. However, a freeze on PIP would still have a devastating impact on disabled people, and it is essential that this is understood and communicated clearly.
The planned freeze on PIP risks driving some of the most vulnerable members of society into poverty. The fact that only 80 Labour MPs are reportedly planning to rebel against the reforms is a sign of the strength of feeling within the party, but with 324 others either backing the plans or will regardless potentially, it is unlikely to be enough to stop the reforms from passing whatever they are. The Labour Party’s strict disciplinary mechanisms, combined with that ideological shift rightwards have created a Labour government as bad as if not worse than some Tory governments we’ve had and they should be treated just the same.
Any cuts to PIP in real terms will be an act of pure evil, rising with inflation is the minimum required, there are already too many disabled people in poverty, it should be more than that. Of anything Starmer will have done so far, if this comes to pass, it’ll be his most evil deed to date and with 4 years and change still to go before we can vote Labour out of power, you genuinely fear how far he will go next. We can’t see the back of this nastiest of politicians fast enough.
And just to underline that nastiness a bit more, it turns out that as these welfare reforms are pushed ahead with, it was mere months ago that Rachel Reeves was lobbied by Blackrock to back off clamping down on non dom tax avoidance. You can’t help but wonder if the PIP cuts are happening to keep tax evaders happy. Get all the details of that story in this video recommendation here as your suggested next watch. Please do also hit like, share and subscribe so as to ensure you don’t miss out on all new daily content as well as helping to support the channel which is very much appreciated, holding power to account for ordinary working class people and I will hopefully catch you on the next vid. Cheers folks.

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