Dragons, the Serpent People & Energy Ley-lines (and lower consciousness beings)

11 hours ago

Dragons, serpent people, and reptilians have been part of our collective consciousness for a long time, even though we haven't seen physical evidence of them. They are believed to exist in another dimension, possibly 5D, while we are in 3D. Energy ley lines, which can be seen by indigenous tribes, seers, and dowsers, are connected to these beings. Ancient texts and legends talk about the dragon people and serpent people as highly enlightened races who lived alongside humans. There are benevolent and malevolent aspects to these species, and it is important for humanity to evolve through the heart and connect with the benevolent races.


Dragons, serpent people, and reptilians have been part of our collective consciousness for a long time, even though we haven't seen physical evidence of them.

Energy ley lines are connected to these beings and can be seen by indigenous tribes, seers, and dowsers.

Ancient texts and legends describe the dragon people and serpent people as highly enlightened races who lived alongside humans.

There are benevolent and malevolent aspects to these species, and it is important for humanity to evolve through the heart and connect with the benevolent races.

To learn more, go to my website on www.ruthelisabethhancock.com

To buy my new book, HUMAN ORIGINS, THE MULTIVERSE & OUR STAR ANCESTRY (https://www.amazon.co.uk/Human-Origins-Multiverse-Star-Ancestry-ebook/dp/B0DJ58SHPT/ref=sr_1_1?crid=2LB18IRA8CMQX&dib=eyJ2IjoiMSJ9.m2aCJPLGuBXrFCn7jIfoyw_QrXYCWEJ4t22gChuFGZg.H7I_ubL7e7Hjtm9NZo6wIgiNQLVx9aMLG8jTl6spFnc&dib_tag=se&keywords=human+origins%2C+the+multiverse+and+our+star+ancestry&qid=1741724059&sprefix=human+origins%2Caps%2C80&sr=8-1)

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