⚠️ URGENT: In May 2025, Ireland faces a CRITICAL decision about its sovereignty.

14 hours ago

Here's what they are not telling you about the WHO's latest challenge to Irish freedom.

First, they said it was "just a health agreement."

Then, they claimed it would "respect national sovereignty."

Now, they're rushing to lock Ireland into a binding treaty that would give unelected WHO bureaucrats unprecedented control over YOUR health choices.

But here's what the mainstream media WON'T tell you:

The 1987 Supreme Court Crotty ruling GUARANTEES our right to a national referendum on any treaty surrendering Irish sovereignty.

Yet the government tried before and is trying again to bypass YOUR constitutional rights by:

• Avoiding public scrutiny
• Fast-tracking this treaty with little review
• Dismissing concerns as "conspiracy theories"

But this goes DEEPER than health policy.

My 4+ years of research reveal a coordinated agenda:

• END of traditional Irish sovereignty
• Digital ID systems tied to health status
• Social credit scoring through compliance
• Centralised control over medical choices

The WHO treaty is the first step toward their ultimate goal: A bio-digital technocracy where YOUR freedoms depend on YOUR compliance.

Our ancestors fought and died for the sovereignty they are trying to sign away.

Ask yourself: Why are they so desperate to avoid a public vote if this treaty is in Ireland's best interest?

The ancient Irish people have NEVER bowed to foreign control.

Will you stand with us to protect what they died defending?

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