The Gracious Two - LIVE Show 080 - Saidi Bess

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The Gracious Two, Chad Gracey & John Rotolo, start the show and right off the bat The Democratic Party is criticized for its inability to course-correct and its tendency to double down on failed policies and narratives. JRo, a former liberal, highlights the party’s divisive tactics, including labeling opponents as Nazis and encouraging social isolation. TGT argues that liberalism can lead to depression and a lack of individual thought, driving many to leave the party.

Chad criticizes the Democratic party for advocating against world peace and promoting suicidal empathy, arguing it destroys culture. They express support for Trump’s efforts to make English the national language and restrict immigration, believing it preserves American identity. The Gracious Two then introduce a guest, Saidi Bess, who discusses her mission to bring greater consciousness around sexuality and challenge societal norms that shame and pervert it.

The podcast explores the complexities of human sexuality, questioning societal norms and monogamy. Saidi, a sexuality coach, emphasizes the importance of understanding one’s own desires and communicating them openly in relationships. She encourages individuals to break free from societal expectations and embrace a more conscious and fulfilling approach to sexuality.

Saidi Bess recounts her journey of self-discovery and empowerment through various experiences, including dancing and escorting. She emphasizes the importance of understanding and healing underlying issues, particularly intergenerational trauma, to improve sexual relationships. Saidi now focuses on coaching both men and women to bridge the gap between masculine and feminine energies and dismantle harmful societal beliefs.

Society’s demonization of masculinity has led to fear and a lack of communication in relationships, hindering healthy sexual connections. A healthy sexual appetite varies from person to person and should be based on individual desires and communication within a relationship. Marriage, as an institution, may not be suitable for everyone and can lead to shutdowns in sexuality and overall well-being if not approached with open communication and a clear understanding of individual needs.

Saidi's twelve-week program is discussed, focusing on exploring belief systems, self-discovery, and personal growth. The program involves daily practices, energy healing sessions, and a deep dive into various aspects of life, including sexuality, spirituality, and career choices. Participants report transformative experiences, leading to significant life changes such as career shifts, divorces, and newfound empowerment.

Saidi Bess discusses the benefits of breath work and her program, which includes guided videos and energy healing sessions. She emphasizes the importance of daily practices and accountability in achieving personal growth. The Gracious Two express interest in Saidi’s work and tease future episodes with potentially more explicit content.

The hosts then transition to a discussion about the Illuminati and the possibility of living in a simulation. The podcast takes a philosophical turn, questioning the nature of reality and the possibility of a timeline shift or glitches in the matrix.

Exciting developments are coming, including Bobby sharing vintage underwear on Facebook. The Gracious Two bids farewell, encouraging viewers to like, subscribe, and support the channel.

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