Article 5308 Video - International Public Notice: Why Everything is Dying By Anna Von Reitz

17 hours ago

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Article 5308 Video - International Public Notice: Why Everything is Dying - Monday, March 10, 2025 By Anna Von Reitz

We have attached a highly educational video entitled, "Puerto Rico is Dying" which explains how a predatory corporation merely calling itself "the United States" took charge of Puerto Rico in the wake of the Spanish-American War, and promptly asset stripped it, enslaved the people using lawfare, and reduced it to its current state of impoverishment and misery.

Every American should watch this video to gain a firm understanding of Puerto Rico's plight --- and our own.

Replace the word "sugar" with "tobacco" in Virginia or "rum" in Jamaica or "pineapple" in Hawaii, and you will hear the same story, over and over again.

This corporation and its officers and employees has been run as a mercenary operation, similar to Black Rock. It has had its foot soldiers. It has had its public apologists. It has had its "Presidents". It has operated fast and mean and under color of law, pretending to be our government. And it's not.

Ten years ago, this entity was entered into Chapter 7, Involuntary Bankruptcy. Today, it's "President", Donald J. Trump, with the help of his partner, Elon Musk, is busy performing the mandatory department-by-department, agency-by-agency, franchise-by-franchise audit that is required to settle the bankruptcy and determine the assets, debts, and liabilities of the behemoth parent corporation.

Three centuries of illegal misrepresentation are coming to an end, and yet, those responsible are failing to disclose what is going on to the public, which remains in unnecessary chaos.

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