Demise of American Education

10 hours ago

Demise of American Education

In the 1950’s, Joseph McCarthy served in the US Senate (1947–57), representing Wisconsin who lent his name to the term McCarthyism. He dominated the US political climate in the early 1950s through his sensational but unproven charges of communist subversion in high government circles. In 1954, in a rare move, McCarthy’s Senate colleagues officially censured him for unbecoming conduct.

Tragically for him, later researches proved he was very correct about the incredible infiltration of almost all American institutions by Communists or their ‘useful idiot’ sympathisers. Hollywood was infested with them, as it still is. The most top secret US atomic Manhattan Project had communist traitors within.

One of the most remarkable anomalies exhibited by the human mind is its ability to host two contradictory characters in one body: The Dr Jekyll and Mr Hide (Split Personality Syndrome). The same rational mind can be simultaneously in denial of all facts and reality that do not fit one’s perceptions.

Congressional leaders from both parties, for decades, ignored the reality that government-controlled education systems – like almost every other government-controlled project – lead to massive waste of finance and corruption, ending with failures.
During President Johnson’s administration, Americans became the most affluent and powerful on Earth.

Tens of millions were able to buy homes and fill them with the latest technological luxuries imaginable. Black Americans never had it better thereafter. Their family units were tight, their children graduated with levels of arithmetic, reading and writing unmatched by the following generations when the Government took over the education system, allowing the utterly corrupt and useless Teachers’ Unions to take over.

There's no question that president Lyndon Johnson, despite championing the landmark Civil Rights Act of 1964 and signing it into law, was also a notorious user of the racist N-word in private. He convinced the KKK Democrats that this act will “have Blacks voting Democrat for the next 200 years”. He was 100% correct, because this act shackled Blacks economically and hence emotionally and politically to the Democratic party’s ‘plantation’.

No matter how much Blacks accuse Whites of discrimination, the reality on the ground proves that a huge number of elected Blacks to political or police power, are even more corrupt than the Whites they replaced. Most police and FBI records show that more Blacks are murdered by Blacks than by Whites. Corrupt human beings have nothing to do with race or ethnicity but everything to do with the individual’s choices.

By taking over the education system, the Federal government spent hundreds of billions of dollars to allegedly better American education, resulting in America being 26th in world literacy; especially among Blacks. The teachers and professors have become political propagandists instead of educators.

Parents should have the right to choose the schools and institutions they want their children to attend, not the government or the teachers’ unions.

DEI under the Democrats utterly destroyed excellence, because merit has been turned into White racism. Equity is the harbinger of mediocrity and reduces achievements to zero value. The elimination of DEI in every American institution must be applied diligently, to revive competition and excellence.

Starting in the 1970’s, hundreds of billions of petrodollars were invested by Muslim states (Saudi Arabia, Iran, Qatar, etc.) to create seats and venues in Universities, Colleges and all Academic institutions in the USA and Europe, to teach ‘white washed versions’ of Islam as well as Islamic and Arab histories. They bought chairs and professors to help their cause. As always in democracies, our enemies use our own freedoms to subvert and undermine us, and most of the time they are allowed to succeed - by our corrupt leaders - and get away with it.

In numerous articles, I have been pointing out – backed with full references from Muhammad’s Quran and Hadith – that according to Islamic Sharia, no compliant Muslim can ever assimilate, integrate or be a loyal citizen among Kuffar/ non Muslims/ Infidels. That every single Sharia compliant Muslim, is the Eternal and Mortal ENEMY of every human being on Earth who is different.

The organized anti-Israel, anti-Jewish and anti-Western demonstrations in almost every educational institution in the USA and across Europe, could never have happened without the insidious billions of bribery monies used to undermine these centres of academia.

Wherever Muslims take root, they bring with them their built-in hatreds, racism, bigotry and violence against all aspects of free speech because no Muslim can ever defend his indefensible belief system. This is precisely why, even when Muslims debate each other, they end up physically beating each other up, shouting down each other or shooting them down.

Almost every academic institution in the USA and Europe has been bought, lock, stock and barrel, by the Muslim Brotherhood. This is why the heads of all these institutions allow violent Muslims to threaten and disrupt not only Jews, but all other students who want to study and not participate in terror tactics.

For years, I have been pointing out that almost all leaders of CAIR (Council for American-Islamic Relations) are actually supporters of the Muslim Brotherhood, HAMAS and all other domestic and foreign Jihad terrorist organizations.

The FBI, CIA, NSA and Homeland Security, know very well how treasonous this organization is, yet not a single member of Congress nor any DOJ of either party ever attempted to declare it a terrorist entity. For decades, CAIR has been allowed to win cases by repeated lawfare to silence any American individual, business or entity, proving how unpatriotic and deceitful it is. 20 years ago, all of its members should have been declared ‘persona non grata’ and removed from the USA. Even under Trump, they are still allowed to spread hatred all over the USA through their chapters and affiliates in US universities and colleges.

There is no such thing as Radical, Extremist or Militant Muslims or Islam, because all three adjectives are embedded in their belief system. ISIS, Boko Haram and all others, are NOT the exception to the rule; they are not deviant from Islam, because on the contrary, they are the foremost true faith followers. There can never be ‘moderate’ Islam or Muslims, since this would contradict Allah’s Sharia.

Every mosque is the incubator that inculcates congregations of current and future generations of Muslims to despise and hate the very citizens that allowed them in, gave them safety, freedom and security. The level of ingratitude exhibited by Muslims towards the indigenous peoples is obscene but fully understandable, based on their warped belief system.

Americans already have perfect examples such as Somali Ilhan Omar, ‘Palestinian’ Rashida Tlaib and others who spout their hatred of the Constitution and their loyalty to their ethnic background, in public without any fear of censure or legal retribution. Without being held accountable, they and their followers have nothing to fear from inflicting terror on others in politics and academia.

The only way to right the ship of academia is to change the current culture of submissiveness to terror and turn the tables on the pro Hamas activists and their enablers by mercilessly applying the law, withholding Federal aid and removing activist ‘professors’.

Hopefully, Trump’s administration and Justice Department will investigate these issues, put the suspects on trial and if found guilty, put in prison where they belong or are deported to their country of origin.

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