September 25, 2012 - Longer Montage of CNN's Candy Crowley at DePauw University

16 hours ago

Three weeks before she’ll moderate a debate between presidential contenders Barack Obama and Mitt Romney, Candy Crowley said to a DePauw University audience, “To me, this debate is about you guys.” CNN’s chief political correspondent told an audience in Kresge Auditorium that as she prepares for the 90-minute session, she asks herself, “Can I get them to tell us something that will explain who they are, what they believe in? My dream for this debate is that nobody sitting at home throws a shoe at the TV and says, ‘Why didn’t she ask him that?’.”

Crowley delivered a Timothy and Sharon Ubben Lecture, "Campaign 2012: A View from the Front Lines.” Her remarks came, as she noted, “41 days, 1 hour and some change” before the 2012 election is history.

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