Eden Conspiracy: Humanity's Lost History Exposed | Paul Wallis

18 hours ago

When I read the ancient texts, including the Bible, it points to humanity being part of a far longer story than ever you or I learned at school - Paul Wallis:

Paul Anthony Wallis is a popular speaker and researcher, his documentaries and collaborations are watched by millions. As a senior churchman, Paul served as a Church Doctor, a Theological Educator, and an Archdeacon in the Anglican Church in Australia, with numerous titles published on Christian mysticism and spirituality. His 2020 book “ESCAPING FROM EDEN” was hailed by George Noory as “This generation’s Chariots of the Gods!” propelling Paul onto the international stage as the go-to-guy in the field of paleo-contact. Paul’s Eden Conspiracy book book series is A MUST READ - https://www.amazon.co.uk/stores/Paul-Wallis/author/B003771JE4

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