OS - Trom Jaro 2025.02.16

16 hours ago

Trom Jaro Linux is a rolling released based in Manjaro Linux also a rolling released distro. This First quarter of 2025. Trom Jaro released it's version 2025.02.16, which is stands for 2025 February 16. This distro is indeed Manjaro can be seen as trade-free since they do not collect people’s data, ask them for money in order to use their operating system, and so forth.

TROM jaro can replicate most of the well known OS layouts out there.
Open the Layout Switcher app and choose the way your system will look.

Trom Jaro is very simple and we hope very intuitive. Everything is 'in your face' so you don't have to look around for settings, volume, workspaces, apps, and such.

Official website:

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