Never Tease A Large Dangerous Amazon Parrot

12 days ago

Come see the world through Onni the Umbrella Cockatoo's eyes as he grows from a chick into an adult. Watch him interact with his family, friends and animal house mates. Join him on his many adventures that he goes on with his family.

So sit back with some hot chocolate and enjoy these heartwarming, humorous videos and escape from negativity of the world. Onni means luck and happiness which is what this little tap dancing cockatoo brings to the world.

We do have a serious mission here. And that is to spread the word of "Think outside of the cage!" All animals need to live an enriched life outside of a cage as much as able.

But this channel isn't "just" about Onni. You can find many other kinds of movies about things such as:

Sunny, talking cockatiel extraordinaire
Exotic pets
Awesome nature
A journey of a boy named Sean who emerged from severe autism with the help of a little ferret named Rocky,
ATV adventures
And the antics of Chet who is a living cartoon. Chet happens!

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