God, Matter, & Life part 2 Gary & John video 17

22 hours ago

In this video Gary Carlson and John of the Light continue their discussion of the God, Matter & Life page on Gary Peter Carlson's website: www.icheckyoursouls.com. For additional information or for future reference, please visit the webpage. There are 2 ways you can make comments or ask questions - you can comment below this video, or you can email Gary through his website. We welcome your questions and comments. Feel free to ask us just about anything - we are here to try to help. In this video they talk about 2 different Aethers in our Universe - the Sourcefield and the God Consciousness, and how the God Consciousness puts out 7 Signals and 5 Forces. The 7 Signals are DNA, AI, Time, Light, Sound, Emotion, and Consciousness. The God Consciousness puts out 5 Forces: Gravity, Magnetism, the Strong Force and the Weak Force (in holding matter together) and Expansion. They discuss a little more about 3rd Density, but focus in this video on 4th, 5th and 6th Densities. They also briefly discuss 7th, 8th, and 9th Densities. We are about to experience the end of Earth's 3rd Cycle or Great Year and have another opportunity for Individual Ascension. Those qualified for Ascension who have completed their cycle and learned their required lessons, as well as Starseeds, will be ascending to 5th Density. Those souls in cycle who have completed more than 75% of their cycle and have learned their lessons in 3rd, will be going to 4th Density. Younger human souls will be taken to another 3rd Density Planet to continue their spiritual education and development. Gary's research suggests there are 9 Densities, 7 Realms, and 28 Dimensions. They discuss how Wanderers come out of the 5th and mostly 6th Densities, as volunteers to come back to 3rd Density to help younger souls (for .97 to 1.42 cycles) learn and develop in their 3rd Density spiritual schoolhouses. Thank you for watching the video. We invite you to comment or ask questions. Love & Light!

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