Moses the Deliverer: Tell Them I AM Sent You

8 days ago

The episode "Moses the Deliverer: Tell Them I AM Sent You" narrates the story of Moses, the deliverer of the Israelites from Egyptian slavery. It details the growth of the Israelites from 70 to a mighty nation under Joseph's protection, followed by their oppression under a new Pharaoh. The narrative includes the edict to kill Hebrew male babies, the midwives' defiance, and the miraculous rescue of Moses by Pharaoh's daughter. Moses' life changes when he kills an Egyptian taskmaster, leading him to flee to Midian. God calls Moses to free the Israelites, and through a series of plagues, including blood, frogs, gnats, flies, livestock death, boils, hail, locusts, and darkness, Pharaoh is forced to release them. The final plague, the death of the firstborn, prompts Pharaoh to allow the Israelites to leave, marking their deliverance.

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