Sonic Joins The Brawl! A 16th Anniversary Tribute

20 hours ago

I whipped up this video to celebrate one of the most hype announcements in the history of the Smash franchise, regardless of what everyone thinks of him nowadays.

I wanted to make it 2007-2008 style. It was inspired by a fanmade trailer music video I saw back during the Brawl hype era, before Sonic was announced, and there was all this speculation on whether or not he'd make it in for not. Believers and non-believers. I was the former, of course. And everywhere, there were these videos that included Sonic 2006 footage, but one stood out to me because it included footage of more footage than just the same E3 footage of Sonic gameplay. It included the shot of Elise witnessing her vision of Solaris in the beginning, mashed together with Mario using his Final Smash, and from there, it got awesome.

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