24/7 Propaganda 🔴 Soviet Union Era Propaganda Cartoons

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Soviet Era Cartoons 7 hrs Loop
In order....
1. **The Millionaire, 1963** - 9 minutes 54 seconds
2. **Mister Twister, 1963** - 15 minutes 37 seconds
3. **Someone Else’s Voice, 1949** - 9 minutes 26 seconds
4. **Ave Maria, 1972** - 9 minutes 36 seconds
5. **Shooting Range, 1979** - 19 minutes 18 seconds
6. **Mr. Wolf, 1949** - 10 minutes 7 seconds
7. **Black and White, 1933** - 2 minutes 29 seconds
8. **Cinema Circus, 1942** - 3 minutes 36 seconds
9. **Fascist Boots Shall Not Trample Our Motherland, 1941** - 2 minutes 45 seconds
10. **Vultures, 1941** - 2 minutes 13 seconds
11. **What Hitler Wants** - 8 minutes 13 seconds
12. **To You Moscow, 1947** - 17 minutes 32 seconds
13. **The Adventures of the Young Pioneers, 1971** - 17 minutes 37 seconds
14. **The Pioneer's Violin, 1971** - 7 minutes 47 seconds
15. **Vasilyok, 1973** - 9 minutes 43 seconds
16. **A Lesson Not Learned, 1971** - 1 hour 5 minutes 15 seconds
17. **Attention! Wolves!, 1970** - 40 minutes 4 seconds
18. **Tale of a Toy, 1984** - 9 minutes 14 seconds
19. **We Can Do It, 1970** - 9 minutes 27 seconds
20. **Interplanetary Revolution, 1924** - 7 minutes 50 seconds
21. **We'll Keep Our Eyes Peeled, 1927** - 2 minutes 45 seconds
22. **The Shareholder, 1963** - 23 minutes 32 seconds
23. **Proud Little Ship, 1966** - 18 minutes 3 seconds
24. **Prophets and Lessons, 1967** - 9 minutes 34 seconds
25. **China in Flames, 1925** - 31 minutes 31 seconds
26. **Forward March, Time!, 1977** - 18 minutes 10 seconds
27. **Soviet Toys, 1924** - 10 minutes 47 seconds
28. **Samoyed Boy, 1928** - 7 minutes 5 seconds
29. **Little Music Box, 1933** - 20 minutes 21 seconds
30. **Lenin's Kino Pravda, 1924** - 56 seconds
31. **Results of the XII Party Congress** - 3 minutes 53 seconds
32. **Victorious Destination, 1939** - 6 minutes 49 seconds
33. **War Chronicles, 1939** - 9 minutes
34. **A Hot Stone, 1965** - 16 minutes 40 seconds
35. **Songs of the Years of Fire, 1971** - 18 minutes 53 seconds
36. **Plus Electrification, 1972** - 9 minutes 12 seconds

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