Tiktok is a dumb platform to be on humans have shown me theyre not worth being around

19 hours ago

i take a quick stated opinion of tiktok the most idiotic platform ive ever been on
The prayer of and for salvation
Dear God I come before you in faith in jesus name and ask that you forgive me from my sin & sinful separation from the correct standing before God before the fall from grace by Eve in the garden of eden. I invite you into my spirit and ask you make me born-again by your holy spirit to cause ME TO BE FORGIVEN IN CHRIST JESUS and I become a child of the living God. I now by faith testify I am saved from the two judgements to face humanity your creation physical and spiritual thank you in Jesus Name.
to be learned & teachable in these evil times of covid is essential :: to be learned & teachable in these evil times of covid is essential ::::
along with knowing whom the covid fraudsters are :: positive information you need to see hear and witness to be ready to make changes that effect your past present and future
Warning: The content described in this article is graphic in nature. Viewer discretion is advised. My videos are for education purposes only. Im not a medical professional I don’t give medical advice please consult your doctor when you have medical issues arise.
Pcr is a test is a lab technique to multiply DNA from a small portion of dna to make a lot more of the same dna ::: the perpetrators of the covid fraud want ALL of humanity dead:: be told :: begin to form communities that are outside the system of control.
shane w ford
shouts out to ALL whom appear in this video:: this video was taken from :: enjoy viewing ,
WORLDWIDE The DOD’s, military mandates, govt mandates were ALL illegal, & destroyed the health of soldiers, also civilians WORLDWIDE and made the militaries weaker.
shane w ford im here to detail worldwide “vaccine” Jab injury the BS narrative has caused
and their lives will never be the same because of Big Pharma. Phuck pharma
Watch this new segment NOW at https://rumble.com/v3elgdb-new-zealand-pm-on-people-harmed-by-the-jabs-they-ultimately-made-their-own-.html
Keep The roswellfannz@yahoo.co.nz SOUNDFORCE FREE and ON THE AIR! SUPPORT THE SPONSORS Below! Namely myself to date
Support shane w ford Legal Fund, as He Fights the govt over ALL covid related matters : s. ford head office kiwibank 38-9000-0549635-08
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Support shane w ford Legal Fund, as He Fights the govt over ALL covid related matters : s. ford head office kiwibank 38-9000-0549635-08
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About the Author: shane w ford. IM a truth teller period.. These are such troubled times, and people need hope. John 3:16 tells us about the hope that God has given us through Jesus Christ: “For God so loved the world, that he gave his only begotten Son, that whosoever believeth in him should not perish, but have everlasting life.” If you have not already done so, we strongly urge you to invite Jesus Christ to be your Lord and Savior today.
For the past four years we’ve been told that some if not most of the covid injections have been filled with a genetic code to force your body to make a toxic part of a corona virus.
But no one has ever proven that as we’ve all been going on what we’ve been told and that’s what got us into this mess of covid 19, so if there’s no isolated virus for sars covi2 then theoretically theirs no spike protein, and if there’s no spike protein s then the treatments to get rid of spike protein’s are apart of the hoax of covid 19.
to take the covid death clotshit pathogenic bio-weapon it was incentives free this free that :: now youve taken the jab and are injured by it now the govts offer this :: Maid service = assisted death :: ALL based on lies :: please look at this video by stew peters :: https://rumble.com/v5ocbfn-murder-canada-now-offering-assisted-suicide-to-vax-injured-victims.html?e9s=src_v1_ucp

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