
1 day ago

Welcome! You are in a safe place.

First, let me say that I’m very sorry that you need to be here, but I am so grateful that I can share with you what I have learned. In the intro class I will share with you some of the things I have experienced with betrayal trauma. Nobody gets married thinking that their husband will cheat on them. Nothing in your life experiences prepares you for what it feels like to have your marriage, family and life torn apart. So it make sense that there aren’t many options for support when this happens. This is why I created The Pathways.

I work to help you put your life back together with solid, proven methods that work. Taken from my own personal healing journey from betrayal trauma I have developed a program that works that is also very affordable! To learn more visit my website at www.deborahldahl.com and sign up with The Rescue Pathway to get started on your healing journey today!

In the Rescue Pathway you will learn how to handle the effects of trauma during your first year after discovery. In this pathway you will learn:

Introduction to the Rescue Pathway
Self Care for Survival
Setting Up a Support System
Educating Yourself on the Effects of Betrayal Trauma
Educating Others on the Effects of Betrayal Trauma
Anatomy of a Cheater
A Brain in Betrayal Trauma
Meditation for Calm
Personal Safety
Letting Go
Rescuing Yourself
Rituals of Rescue
Tools for Rescue

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