Important Causes for AUB. | Treatment Cure Medicine Surgery | Gynaecology Women Female | Homeopathy

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About Video : Abnormal Uterine Bleeding (AUB) can be caused by hormonal imbalances, fibroids, polyps, PCOS, thyroid disorders, and other health conditions. In this video, we discuss the major causes of AUB, how they affect menstrual health, and the importance of early diagnosis. Learn how homeopathy offers natural solutions to manage and treat AUB effectively. Watch now to understand the root causes of AUB and take control of your reproductive health!

Questions Addressed : What is Abnormal Uterine Bleeding (AUB)?
What are the common causes of AUB?
How do hormonal imbalances contribute to AUB?
Can fibroids and polyps cause AUB?
What role does PCOS play in AUB?
How do thyroid disorders affect menstrual bleeding?
Can infections lead to AUB?
How does endometriosis contribute to AUB?
What lifestyle factors increase the risk of AUB?
How can homeopathy help in treating AUB naturally?

About Dr. Bharadwaz :
Gynaecology Specialist
Health and Fitness Specialist
Medicine, Surgery, and Homeopathy Doctor
Clinical Research Subject Matter Expert

About Fidicus Women :
With a few lifestyle modifications and Homeopathy, you have the highest chance to prevent, cure, or relieve all your women related diseases with safe, effective, and timely inperson and online treatments.

#Women #Gynaecology #Female
#Treatment #Cure #Prevent #Relieve
#AlternativeTherapy #AdjuvantTherapy #AlternativeMedicine

#DrBharadwaz #ClingeniousHealth #Helseform #HelseformFitness #Health #Fitness #Fidicus #FidicusHomeopathy #Homeopathy #Medicine #Surgery #Clingenious #ClingeniousResearch #ClinicalResearch #ClinicalInteractiveSystem

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