WHEN RATS DISAPPEAR, COBRAS APPEAR: Our Philippine Wildlife Adventure

1 day ago

A harrowing tale of how three venomous Philippine cobras invaded our yard over the course of two days. The unexpected wildlife encounter forced us to question the delicate balance between human habitation and dangerous wildlife in our rural Philippine setting.

• Three cobras over one meter long found in our yard within 24 hours
• Initial attempt to handle the situation myself before calling experienced snake handlers
• Discovered the snake invasion was linked to rice storage attracting rats
• Implemented preventative measures like ultrasonic pest repellers
• Connection between trusting your instincts in dangerous situations
• Reflection on how agricultural practices create unexpected wildlife challenges
• Discussion about education plans for my kids in the Philippines vs. US universities

If you've had similar wildlife encounters or have tips for dealing with dangerous animals around your home, let me know in the comments!

Again, thanks for hanging out with me!

Please feel free to comment or send an email to theobjectivejerk@gmail.com

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