Pwnery's Firearm Reviews - PSA RPK in 7.62x39 Romanian Kit Build

1 day ago

...and obviously it's time to bring on Papa Bear. Hello, and welcome to Pwnery's Firearm Reviews and today I bring you another American made AK ... well... RPK. Originally I never intended for my AK/RPK collection to go All-American, but in all honesty, I'm rather proud of them now - because let's face it - how can you beat a lifetime warranty?

A replacement to the RPD in 1962, the RPK was Kalashnikov's answer to the "Squad automatic weapon" or "Light Machine Gun." The advantages are fairly obvious, with many parts being interchangeable and the convenience of getting ammo assistance from your fellow squadmates with standard AK-47's or AKM's. The RPK would have been fielded with 40 round box magazines or 75-round drums - which I have several of, but the PSA offering is a build based on a Romanian parts kit, minus the barrel and receiver. All other parts are numbers matching including the furniture and is VERY well put together. Another added bonus to this specific one is, it was born the same year I was (well, the Romanian parts were). I have BIG plans for this, but they're going to have to wait until Russia stops doing Russian things and embargos get lifted. In the mean time, I've added a muzzle device, and plan to do my typical safety mod - however this time I think I'll just buy the new safety since this particular model came with a bog-standard shelf-less safety which I've become accustomed to.

If you'd like to see more of the specs on this, you can find them under the "product details" section here : - currently these run out of stock as fast as they appears so if you want one, you'll need to sign up for the notifications and be Johnny-on-the-spot to get one.

So anyway - sit back, relax, and enjoy the show. Thanks for watching, subscribing, sharing, and tolerating me fumbling through these reviews. Since I'm a self-funded operation, they do tend to come few and far between, but I'm sitting on a small stable of future reviews that I just hadn't had the time to sit down and really get filmed and uploaded - hopefully that'll change soon.

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