Epstein was not just a sex network...his operation supported a massive money-laundering operation

4 hours ago

Catherine Austin Fitts: "Epstein was not just a sex network...his operation supported a massive money-laundering operation....and Ukraine...I think of it as a huge money-laundering operation..And the Epstein operation is right in the middle of that."

"In other words, Zelenskyy at the White House and the Epstein Files, everybody thinks are two different stories, [but] to me, they're one story...And when Trumps says to Zelenskyy, 'You don't hold the cards,' Zelenskyy's thinking, 'No? My name is on the bank accounts, and I still got pots of money and I got all the intel about where the money came in and where it went out. So he does hold cards, is what it looks like to me."

➡️ Watch Full Interview https://rumble.com/v6q4wyi-catherine-austin-fitts-on-the-doge-deception-that-could-steal-america.html?e9s=src_v1_ucp

Source @Real World News

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