Overcoming Temptation: Lent as a Path to Holiness

4 hours ago

Lent is a time for Catholics to repent and seek salvation, but temptations are inevitable. Just as Jesus faced temptations to prove his divinity, we must endure temptations to demonstrate our commitment to our resolutions. Even when we falter, perseverance through these temptations is essential for spiritual growth.

Becoming a saint requires more than just reading about saints; it demands living a saintly life and growing in virtue through practice and humility. Lent offers an opportunity to receive God’s grace and grow in holiness, but it requires commitment, perseverance, and a willingness to get back up after falling. Ultimately, the goal is to recognize the value of heaven and strive for it with determination, relying on God’s grace and strength.

Fr. Altier is a Priest at Holy Trinity Parish in South St. Paul: https://holytrinitysspmn.org

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An Exploration of Holy Matrimony from Genesis to the Wedding of the Lamb by Father Robert Altier.

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