21 hours ago

This is what Tik Tok promotes. This is straight up savage behavior. The lack of respect, and morals deserves jail time. That man should be arrested for animal abuse . There is no reason to eat like this. That man is a walking criminal case. This is passed entertainment he is taunting his audience. I got a stick for that beast. That's right. Tik Tok wanna trigger people. I got a damn stick, and a chain. Lock his ass up. U damn cops need to do your job. You rather beat travelers on the roads when we got monster like this joker ready for a hue man snack. This is why i am needed i eat the dead. That creature is food. His energy will not return. Ghosts like him are to be judged. I judge, your manipulation with the Biofield metric disrupted the natural energy flow. You cannot recycle cancerous cells. He is a parasite. All parasites goes. Balance is being restored. Like it or not. You wanna eat Mermaids? They walk on two legs those with sickle cell blood is this. The NOMMOS! YOU ARE BEING JUDGED FOR YOUR TREASON ONTO THEM! THEY ARE THE ORIGNAL CELLS! THIS IS A WATER WORLD! FIRE AND WATER WILL BE THIS REALM's END. HOW DARE YOU EAT WHAT CREATED YOU? FUCK YOU! those of you with sickle cell blood protect yourselves. I would advise that all avoid those hospital and strap up. You are on their menu. Birth in light flip the table. I EAT GHOST. THEY WILL NOT ESCAPE ME.

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