Barbara & Harry - It's all about the Water Step 2 & 3

21 hours ago

Harry, British inventor and activist has created a healing protocol which can help clear various environmental toxins and heal even serious illnesses. In our last call, we discussed the various steps in Part 1: distilling and reminerilisation of water.

Step 2: Vortex to structure and charge the water, add electrolytes and Epsom salts to create conductivity.

Step 3: Hydrogenise the water to create negative ions. This creates negatively charged structured water which is perfect to stimulate circulation and oxygenise the blood.

The effects are instant! The body will oxygenise immediately and start working to its full potential to deliver nutrients, heal and cleanse, thus achieving its optimal function.

Please note: tap water cannot be used directly with the hydrogeniser. It will become toxic if fluoride, chemicals and metals are still present. That is why distilling the water is essential.

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