Why I Love Ramadan as a non Muslim!

10 days ago

It's a couple of days late, recorded on Friday but had a few difficulties with the editing, it's now Day 10 of Ramadan and day 6 of Lent.
I talk a lot about Lent and the Bible in this video, I find it easier to do this than to try to find the equivalent passages in the Qur'an and then find that my sources were badly translated, plus if I was able to pull all of my references from the Qur'an this video would be entitled, "Why I love Ramadan as a Muslim" wouldn't it?
I hope nobody thinks this is a mockery, I'm sharing my opinions in this video and I'm being sincere, I imagine many people see things differently, I appreciate all feedback if you would like to leave a comment, I like getting as many perspectives as I can.
I might not respond to all messages but I will read them all, and I'll be removing any that are directing or inciting hatred towards anyone.
I hope you enjoy this video!
and if you are fasting yourself,
Ramadan Mubarak! ☺️

ps. I didn't make it the whole day without swearing, when I got home from making this video I dropped my strawberries and swore on instinct...
but I did manage the whole of day 8 without swearing once!
First time ever!

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