Geomagnetic Storm Triggers BIG Earthquake under Beerenberg Volcano, is it Waking Up?

1 day ago

Earth just experienced a G2 geomagnetic storm. Here's what that means – and what you can expect.

NOAA's Space Weather Prediction Center issued a geomagnetic storm watch on Saturday, saying that a coronal mass ejection was detected and expected to hit the planet late that same day with impacts into Monday. Coronal mass ejections, or CMEs, are when a large cloud of plasma and magnetic field bursts from the sun's corona. 

This particular CME exploded alongside a solar flare on Friday, an event that occurs when electromagnetic radiation suddenly erupts from the sun. NOAA says these flares can last hours and the eruption "travels at the speed of light," meaning it can impact Earth as soon as it is observed.

A magnitude 6.5 earthquake just ruptured right under Beerenberg Volcano, the northernmost active volcano in the world, and it occurred directly after a G2 geomagnetic storm! Is Beerenberg waking up and about to resume activity?

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