Democrats Hate President Trump! Democrats Hate YOU America!

8 hours ago

When a political party refuses to accept the will of the American People and shows nothing but hatred and distain for the People’s President, who won with both an Electoral College and Popular mandate, that political part must be destroyed! That Party must be done away with! That political party must be banned and declared as the enemy of the people!

That political party is the Democrat-Socialist Party now doing everything it can to see to it that it stirs up the insanity of its members to assassinate our duly elected president, Donald J. Trump and Elon Musk who are now receiving more death threats than ever!

The sad and very frightening thing is to see how this evil, immoral and America-hating party can win as many seats in congress as they still do. The democrat Party must be laid waste and torn asunder. For, they are every bit as dangerous to the longevity and survival of America as China, Russia and Iran and are, In fact, more so.

Wise up America! It’s time to rid ourselves of this enemy-combatant enemy of the people once and for all!

That was what I think! What do you think, America?

I’m Dr. Steven Clark Bradley

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