Beware Of Snares

3 hours ago

In our human condition we are prone to be very aggravated people, who lash out and to punch, kick, to get our way. Violence has become so very prevalent because as people are backed into a corner, wanting their way, they are resorting to physical violence, like a wounded animal striking out with their last strength to protect themselves against what they “think they know”. Many times violence is enacted by assumptions, speculation, tainted opinions, false narratives and not because of truth. Deception most always dead ends and when someone is frustrated, angry and finding a crooked path of deception has not rewarded them, they will resort to violence.

We have to be careful that we do not drift away on deception and get snared by our human condition to make our own way. So many times frustration leads us to wanting to punch and strike out violently, we must resist the enemy and flee from this kind of human condition outbreak, learning to lean into God when we are frustrated, asking Him for the discernment of what is true and what is not true. When we follow after untruth, nothing good happens. When we get invested in the opinion, speculation and assumptions of others and make them our “think we know” motive, then we will find ourselves in the midst of the enemies plan for violence of words, actions and deeds. The enemy’s goal is to kill, steal and destroy, and his way is to ensnare us by the means of deception. Do you truly “know” what you “think you know”… do not be ensnared.

Strife between human beings gets to be a really steep and dangerous path that we can lose our footing and our human condition can take over and it is all down hill from there as the enemy sets us up to be upset. Our human response is to “lash out”! Violence happens alot lately because people are being conditioned to react violently.

These are the times to be careful, drawing upon the Dunamis power of God in us. We can say NO to strife, arguments, fighting with people, violence by calling on God, Who can help us control these human conditioned reactions. Draw deep within your inner spiritual core where God is and God will help you respond with integrity. Jesus did not react to people who got up in His face, He responded with the strength of God, the meekness of His power under the control of the Father God. We can be the same, we can side step these snares set by the enemy of our soul.

Be Careful! Draw upon the strength of God today, step away from arguments, strife, fights, violence. Cling to God, dig your heart roots deeply in Jesus and respond with Godly integrity to those who are looking for a fight. We don’t have to be right, speak the truth in love once. The Father God is the Proof, Jesus is the Proven and the Holy Spirit is the Prover, we need to stay in our own lane and not be snared by the enemy of our soul. God will vindicate us, God is Proof of truth, He has Proven truth that matters most through His Son Jesus, the Holy Spirit will Prove what is true, exposing and expunging evil. We don’t have to take on any of these roles, we stay in followship of The Father God, The Proof, Jesus Christ,The Proven, The Holy Spirit, The Prover. Do as “They” say and do not let your flesh be led and ensured by the emotions of the human condition. This is great godly wisdom for times such as these. Followship!

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