Cyraxx on MBM's streams BEST OF 11

17 days ago

1. 0:08 2024.09.06 - cyrax arrested, probably wont see him anytime soon, NAL_Cobra union formed, potatos LOST IT
---[Stab, stab, stab | Chance calls out WMFG | Chance dons his fake gold goblin necklace | The premiere of "Chance's Ass" | Tony joins]---
2. 1:04:00 2024.09.08 - very disturbing revelations about chance from the grave (RIP pop-pop, we miss you!)
---[Chance's Ass joins]---
3. 1:23:44 2024.09.10 - cyrax calls his girlfriend a stupid worthless whore, drops her like worthless TRASH!!!
---[Chance waves around fake money and then wears his crown for a quick minute | "Chance's Ass" joins]---
4. 2:24:06 2024.09.11 - Rice warrior snaps, beats up Taylor over Chance's actions
---[9.5/10 rage | Chance threatens suicide with a screwdriver | good quick argument between Chance and Sally | Thump joins | Chance is gonna "greenlight" Thump]---
5. 3:18:44 2024.09.12 - a very special treat!
---[Birdo joins the stream]---
6. 3:22:20 2024.09.13 - interesting developments_ cyrax is fucked
---[Chance and Thump have a business discussion | Sally keeps pulling the internet]---
7. 5:14:40 2024.09.14 - cyrax makes Taylor look like a stupid jackass by admitting gay shenanigans_philandering
---[Chance has no redeeming qualities | WMFG joins | Katana time]---
8. 6:11:29 2024.09.16 - Cyrax masturbates during sex addict meeting, doesnt take it seriously, games when not whacking it
---[Chance is comin' in HOT | Chance threatens screwdriver suicide again | lots of slurs]---
9. 6:51:38 2024.09.18 - chance caught cheating again preying upon a sex addict anonymous participant, game over re_ rig
---[9.9/10 rage | Chance is upset about the rig | WEEN | drool | good argument with Sally | fight video replay | Tony joins | Chance takes his shirt off | takes out his wooden katana | "She's nothing but a rig pig" | quick WEEN]---
10. 8:40:42 2024.09.19 - nearing zero hour with the rig. hoping to negotiate with thump for the device
---[Chance starts the stream with his katana | Thump joins | business talk | Chance's "Look at me, I'm so-and-so" insults]---
11. 9:20:26 2024.09.20 A - happy birthday to ME!
---[Marty redirected the rig/package to himself]---
12. 9:21:18 2024.09.20 B - soon to be homeless cretin wants to confront me about my new setup
---[9.8/10 rage | Chance's "little brother" Ethan shows off his pellet pistol | Chance rages over Marty rerouting the rig]---
13. 10:00:45 2024.09.22 A - very important announcement. racing for pinks. winner take all!
---[Chance agrees to race Marty]---
14. 10:08:12 2024.09.22 B - race time
---[Chance gets impatient with Marty's intro song | Chance is racing in baby mode | Chance won't show his race settings | Thump joins]---
15. 10:37:51 2024.09.23 - quick stream, updates re: rig/cyrax
---[CENSORED | Chance jerks off and spreads his asshole on stream | Chance's slave owner voice | lots of slurs | "Go on slave boy!" | LOTS of slurs]---

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