Finland and Canada #hellofromfinland

8 days ago

#finlandvlog #travelfinland #canada #travelcanada
20 years ago I visited Canada. It was in the summer of 2004. My first trip to Finland took place in 1994 when I was living in Berlin, Germany. On my flight back from Toronto to Helsinki I was sitting next to a Finnish guy, who had his laptop computer open and was watching pictures of Canada and Finland. We had a brief conversation exchanging or impressions of Canada. He showed me some pictures and Canada and some picutres of Finland. I was quite surprises to find that both coutries in those pictures looked prette much alike.
I have lived over 10 years in Finland now. A couple of days ago a came across a folder in my computer that contained photos from my trip to Canada in 2004.
Again I found that our countries look alike. So, I decided to make this video. Back in 2004 I had no smart phone and did not make any videos. I used pictures that I shot with a simple soapbox Canon camera.
Dear residents of both coutries, Finland and Canada, pleaese, let me know what you think about it. Do Finland and Canada look alike from your viewpoint?

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