B583 – Mar 9, 2025 Upgrade Your Armor

10 hours ago

Many Believers today are taught to just hang on for a little while longer, since Yeshua will return at any minute. That spiritual advice is dangerous and wrong for followers of Yeshua, and leads to weak and unprepared believers that lack the faith required to please God.

God’s Word reminds Believers that they are living behind enemy lines and that they are fighting against spiritual forces, not a physical enemy. The Holy Spirit has been provided to help disciples of Yeshua live overcoming lives and to win in their battle with Satan.

In this Bible Study we review the Armor of God and talk about the ways Believers can defend against the wiles of Satan and fight off the attacks that will occur in the life of everyone trying to live a Holy, Righteous, life for Yehovah.

Trust in Yehovah with all of your heart and do not trust in your own abilities. Cry out to Yeshua and accept His free gift of redemption for your life and be filled with the Holy Spirit of Yehovah. Trust in the Plan that will never fail!

PDF Outline B583: http://gofile.me/5EF9u/PybQw8tO0 (BFGC)

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