Was Keith Williams Preventing Entrance Or Did He Attack Colton Moore?

1 day ago

It was crossover last week and now all the power plays are in effect. What happens now, let's say there was a bill in the Senate that didn’t make it out to crossover to the house, they will attach pieces of bills that didn’t pass to ones that passed. We will always remember the Soapbox Derby bill.
State Senator Colton Moore was attempting to enter the house floor during a joint session. Speaker Jon Burns banned Colton Moore from entering and Keith Williams stopped him from entering the chamber. Was Keith Williams preventing him from entering or did he attack Colton Moore? The judge denied the claim. First of all the Capitol has its own jurisdiction. Fulton county does not have jurisdiction inside the Capitol. The authority is the capitol police, like DC. Remember on that day the State Patrol did not arrest Keith Williams that day. They arrested Colton Moore. What they are saying is that Colton Moore was the aggressor. Legal or not Colton Moore was aware that Jon Burns did not want him in the House Chamber. The day before it was all fired up on social media. The judge said that the social media made Colton Moore the aggressor. Colton Moore was not granted the arrest warrant for Keith Williams.

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